Destiny 2 players have no shortage of abilities to choose from when deciding how they want their Guardian to play. Gamers can shoot Void-powered arrows, wield blades of Strand energy, and freeze their foes with an ice staff, which is just the tip of the iceberg. Some of these abilities would be great to see represented within Blizzard’s hero shooter Overwatch 2, though there is one ability from that game that would be particularly fun to see inside Destiny 2.

Not only would it be great to see Overwatch 2’s ping system and communication wheels make their way over to Destiny 2, but the recently added hero Lifeweaver has something up his sleeve that would fit into the MMO RPG hybrid quite well. While the scrapped ability that let him drop a healing item when he died could make for an interesting aspect, and his petal platforms could help give players unique positions to strike from in tough content like Grandmaster Nightfalls, it is his teammate-grabbing that could be the best addition of all.

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A Strand Life Grip Could Be a Good Addition to Destiny 2

Overwatch 2 Lifeweaver Trailer Life Grip Ability

While Lifeweaver’s Thorn Volley feels a lot like the Needler from Halo, a weapon Bungie designed, this is not the tool the developer should be borrowing from his kit. Instead, it is the aforementioned Life Grip ability, a controversial but character-defining aspect of the Support hero’s moveset. While proper communication would be necessary so that players aren't pulled when using their Super, there are a lot of upsides to a Life Grip-style ability within Destiny 2.

In PvE, Life Grip could be used to either save weaker teammates who are overconfident or coordinate with a fellow Guardians that wants to dish out a melee-heavy assault on some Fallen, Cabal, or other enemies. Perhaps a player has gotten themselves caught in a group of Thralls, or maybe a Titan has communicated in voice chat that they want to clear out some enemies with shoulder charges and their super. Either way, a player with Life Grip could be waiting for the chance to pull them back to safety, gripping them and providing them with brief invulnerability as they fly back.

In Crucible, Life Grip could also be used to get teammates out of some tricky situaitions. Perhaps a player is trying to capture a flag on their own and lacks cover, so they need a quick exit. Alternatively, they could try to bait enemies by touching the point, having their teammate grip them before attacking their lured out opponents from a power position. The strategies that could come from Life Grip are a lot of fun to think about, especially in one-life playlists like Trials of Osiris where careful gameplay is a must.

As for how Life Grip could be incorporated, it could be another addition to the already-strong Strand subclass. Specifically, Bungie can work it into the game as an aspect for the game’s classes, and when equipped, it could expand the effectiveness of Strand grapples. Players could simply aim at their teammates and press the Grapple button, using their grenade charge to rescue an overzealous ally or pull a melee-focused teammate out of the fire when things get too hectic.

While expanding a subclass in such a way is unlikely, as Bungie has The Final Shape to focus on as well as the sixth subclass for Guardians to make use of, it could lead to a lot of engaging scenarios. Strand is already very unique thanks to its Spider-Man-like movement and powerful buffs like woven mail, so it certainly does not need more upsides. Still, giving players more choice with how they approach each situation is never a bad thing, so maybe a variation of this Overwatch 2 ability would be worth Bungie’s effort.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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