
  • The No Hesitation auto rifle in Destiny 2 is a valuable support weapon, but a current bug hinders its effectiveness against barrier champions.
  • The unique projectile rounds and healing properties of No Hesitation may contribute to the bug many players are experiencing.
  • Despite its current issues, No Hesitation is seen by many as a game-changing that encourages a more support-focused playstyle in Destiny 2.

While many of the new Pale Heart weapons introduced with Destiny 2's Final Shape expansion have quickly become favorites among the community, the unique auto rifle seems to be impacted by a bug that makes it useless against barrier champions - an adversary frequently encountered in more difficult content such as nightfall strikes and exotic missions. The rifle in question, No Hesitation, represents the first of its weapon type to boast the support frame, making it invaluable in more challenging Destiny 2 content thanks to its ability to heal allies.

While the auto rifle may not appeal to every fan's taste, it's no exaggeration to say that No Hesitation is a game-changer in Destiny 2. The weapon is just as capable of harming enemies as it is of healing allies, though perhaps unsurprisingly, it doesn't quite feel as natural as most auto rifles on the battlefield. Unlike many weapons in Destiny 2, No Hesitation doesn't function as a hitscan weapon, instead firing rounds that travel as projectiles capable of homing in on allies to make targeting easier when in healing mode.

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Anyone who has progressed far enough in Destiny 2's Final Shape campaign should have already picked up at least one of these rifles, but players carrying No Hesitation into activities rich with champions to fight have quickly discovered that the weapon is impacted by a frustrating bug. When granted the anti-barrier buff by becoming radiant, No Hesitation isn't capable of destroying a champion's barrier. A clip demonstrating the issue was recently shared online by a fan known as myriadlandscapego, which shows that the weapon can only damage a barrier up to a point, and is unable to stun the champion.

How Destiny 2's Newest Auto Rifle Variant Has A Big Impact On Gameplay

There could be a wide variety of causes for this issue, and fans have reported similar issues with the weapon that prevent it from interacting correctly with certain constructs. Pyramid ship door locks, Taken blights, and the bells found throughout Destiny 2's Duality dungeon are some of the most prominent examples, with the gun struggling to activate or destroy these objects. Many in the Destiny 2 community attribute the problem to a few different factors, with many claiming the issue stems from the weapon's healing properties, while others speculate that the coding behind the weapon's unique projectile rounds is to blame.

Aside from these issues, No Hesitation is widely considered a fantastic weapon to use in Destiny 2, with the support frame auto rifle representing just one new tool among many that encourages players to adopt a more support-focused playstyle. These kinds of advances have the potential to shake up gameplay in Destiny 2 considerably, and many fans are hoping that the issues with No Hesitation are cleared up by Bungie in the very near future.

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Destiny 2

Bungie's Destiny 2 is an online FPS that blends single-player and multiplayer content. Constantly evolving, the shooter has established a strong following since its 2017 debut.

August 28, 2017