Destiny 2 has come a long way since its launch, with the live-service space shooter constantly evolving to meet the demands and expectations of the players. The live-service aspect of Destiny 2 has allowed developers to create a rich and immersive world, continually improving and changing based on the feedback and suggestions from the community. One of the recent key areas that Bungie has focused on is the in-game economy and how it affects players' experience and progression in the game.

One of the bigger issues in Destiny 2 has recently been the slew of problems tied to FOMO, or "fear of missing out." With so many different activities and events happening in the game, players can often feel overwhelmed and frustrated when they miss out on particular loot, Exotics, or opportunities. However, with the Lightfall expansion coming in February, Bungie is finally taking steps to address this issue and help players feel more confident and in control of their progress in the game.

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Umbral Engram Focusing For Destiny 2's Vendors Is a Good Way To Battle FOMO

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One of the ways that Destiny 2 is battling FOMO is by focusing more on legacy content, ensuring that players have access to rewards and items even if they missed out on them in the past. The developers are also changing the loot pool, bringing back some of the best and most sought-after items and retiring others that are no longer relevant. This helps keep the loot pool fresh and exciting while also reducing the feeling of frustration that can come from missing out on certain items.

How Bungie is doing this is through Legacy gear focusing. On the Crucible side of things, players will find various armor sets from over the years that they can obtain via Umbral Engram focusing. Meanwhile, players in the Vanguard camp will be able to focus weapons from many seasons ago, like the Plug One.1 and The Comedian shotgun. Like the Crucible armor sets coming with Destiny 2's Lightfall, there will also be Vanguard armor sets available for focusing. Additionally, the costs for focusing armor sets and weapons depend on whether a player has already unlocked the armor and weapon in question.

WhileDestiny 2's Gambit modedoesn't have much in the form of armor or weapon unlocks, Iron Banner, on the other hand, has a respectable selection of gear that is no longer obtainable. The same can also be said of the Trials of Osiris and its selection of focusable goods. Bungie is also helping to reduce FOMO by lowering the Glimmer and Legendary Shard cost of focusing across all modes. Additionally, Bungie has recently documented a list of weapons leaving certain loot pools and introducing weapons from previous years' seasons.

Ultimately, Bungie has been busy overhauling Destiny 2 with Lightfall and making it more accessible for both new and returning players. Its additions of extra focusing options over the past year with recent Seasons have paved the way for Bungie to bring that concept forward to Destiny 2's oldest vendors, all while also re-introducing some of the game's oldest and most iconic weapons and armor sets for players to rediscover. These moves, in combination with the other changes and additions coming in Lightfall, look to alter how players perceive new content—a developmental focus from a mindset of "they just had to be there" to "it will be for them to enjoy when they'd like to." In the future, it will be interesting to see how Bungie continues this trend of reducing the impact of FOMO on Destiny 2 content.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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