Destiny 2'sLightfall expansion not only promised a new campaign featuring Calus and the Witness, but also a ton of changes to the game. From now features like guardian ranks to quality-of-life changes such as in-game loadouts, Lightfall feels like the expansion that aspires to bring Destiny 2 to the next level.

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While it's still early into Lightfall, there are already several features that stand out as incredible in the new expansion. It will likely take several weeks or months for players to get used to the new style of Lightfall, but ultimately the following changes in Destiny 2 are a welcome addition to the game. For those curious about further details, here are the Lightfall release patch notes.

10 The New Tower

Destiny 2 New Tower

The Tower has remained the same for what feels like a small eternity. It doesn't really affect gameplay that much, but seeing the Tower change as the story of the game progresses and evolves is rewarding and creates a sense of immersion.

Those who haven't gone to admire the new Tower in Lightfall should do so, and also find a nice little homage to Cayde-6 nearby where Zavala can be found. There's now also a large tree and some of Caiatl's Cabal guarding the Tower as well, and where the Traveler once remained, the sky is now dotted with vessels of humanity's allies.

9 Removal Of (Some) Crafting Materials

Destiny 2 Crafting Materials

Weapon crafting, introduced in Witch Queen, was the one feature that experienced the most growing pains. The system was tweaked quite heavily throughout Year 5, but now, it has experienced one of its largest changes: the removal of Resonant Elements.

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Players will now need to use Enhancement Prisms and Legendary Shards to craft their weapons, though Ascendant Alloys and Resonant Alloys will still remain as resources that crafting will require. Still, this simplification of the process is definitely welcome, given how grindy crafting and weapon leveling are.

8 Armor Charge

Destiny 2 Lightfall New Mods

Charged with Light and Elemental Wells have now been morphed into a single system: Armor Charge. Picking up Orbs of Power will grant the player Armor Charge, and in turn, some of the mods well-known from Wells and Charged with Light mods have been reworked to function with Armor Charge. Moreover, each subclass now has its own elemental pickup (such as Firesprite for Solar), which functions in conjunction with Armor Charge.

While there's room for criticism and this system is still young, overall, putting these two systems together is healthier for the game in the long run and will hopefully simplify buildcrafting for all skill levels of players. The downside is that some mods and the stat bonuses they introduced have been done away with, which means players are forced to redo their whole builds.

7 Subclass Options For Champion Stunning

Destiny 2 Void Breach

Champions have never been particularly popular among Destiny 2 players, and Bungie must know this given how many Exotic weapons received intrinsic anti-champion perks in the last year. On top of this, the new subclass features from 3.0 changes like Jolt, Volatile, Blinding, Ignition, Suppression, Slow, Shatter, Suspend, Unravel, and Radiant have additional champion stunning capabilities.

This table shows the rough outline of which subclass effects are strong against which champions:

Barrier Champions

Weak to Radiant, Unraveling, and Volatile.

Overload Champions

Weak to Jolt, Suppression, and Slow.

Unstoppable Champions

Weak to Blinding, Ignition, Suspend, and Shatter.

6 Adjusted Difficulty

Destiny 2 Master Dungeon

It's no surprise that with the introduction of 3.0 light subclasses in the last year most of the regular content, and even endgame PVE content, felt completely trivial to many players. While it made much of the content accessible, it also lessened the need for any serious buildcrafting, which is something Bungie wants to be a strong part of the Destiny 2 experience.

Because of this, multiple changes were made to ensure that content feels engaging and challenging, from power level tweaks to even the infamous Resilience stat nerf, which will no longer provide a 40% damage negation at Tier 10. Although all of this might sound terrifying to players, in the long run, it will likely be healthy for the game as it allows content to remain fresh and engaging for a longer period of time.

5 Guardian Ranks

Destiny 2 Guardian Ranks

Guardian ranks are an entirely new feature added to Destiny 2 with Lightfall, which carves a rough path for players to follow. This was created in hopes of answering the ever-important question of what a player should do next in the game, in which there's just so much to do.

The rank screen tracks a few objectives that players can complete to advance their ranking. The same screen is also where Triumph seals and Commendations appear, the latter being another new feature that is included hand in hand with the Post Game Carnage Report discussed further below.

4 New Seasonal Artifact Mod System

Destiny 2 Champion Mods

To further enhance buildcrafting, Bungie has done away with the need to slot in seasonal artifact mods into armor. Once seasonal artifact mods are unlocked from the artifact, they are active at all times for the player. Players can unlock up to 12 mods, and it's possible to now reset the artifact for no cost, to further encourage testing different mods.

This is absolutely fantastic, as this means players won't need to slot in individual champion mods and sacrifice parts of their build by removing "combat" mods. Given how much these mods have changed, too, it's great that players can focus on getting acquainted with them rather than worrying about seasonal mods.

3 Seasonal Weapon Focusing

Destiny 2 Vanguard Focusing

Previously, it was a whole ordeal for players to get the loot they wanted from set activities. The biggest struggle for many endgame PVE fans was getting their hands on the right Nightfall weapon, but luckily, now this won't be an issue as these weapons can be focused directly at vendors.

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Players will need a cipher and an engram of the activity to be able to focus the weapons. This should help streamline getting the loot that players want, without the need to desperately grind on a specific week, though it remains to be seen how these changes affect the economy of the resources required for focusing.

2 Post Game Carnage Report And Commendations

Destiny 2 Commendations

Hand in hand with Commendations comes the Post Game Carnage Report. Here, players can see exactly the scoring for every activity they participate in, a feature that players have been asking for years in order to track their contribution.

Players can access two tabs on this screen: the actual Commendation page where they can applaud their teammates and the information on scores and kills. Commendations depend on the activity, and tougher activities will have more "serious" commendations such as Leadership. Needless to say, this is great not just for those who like to know stats after an activity, but also to thank their teammates.

1 In-Game Loadouts

Destiny 2 Loadouts

Loadouts are in Destiny 2, a change that desperately needed to be around a long time ago. Previously, players would need to use third-party applications such as DIM to organize their loadouts, or just manually apply their armor and mods for every activity, which can create a lot of downtime for no reason.

Destiny 2's loadout system is still in its early days but looks fantastic at first glance. Players are able to save and apply a set of loadouts from the character screen, as well as view mods and abilities they have for each loadout easily at one glance. This is probably one of the most anticipated features of Lightfall, and certainly a welcome one.

Destiny 2: Lightfall is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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