The Legend of Acrius is one of the more entertaining weapons in Destiny 2. This exotic shotgun has been around for a while now and while eclipsed by better weapons, is still viable in Raids and other scenarios. Deciding whether it's worth chasing down the Legend of Acrius Catalyst can be tough to decide.

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For players that are interested in obtaining the Legend of Acrius Catalyst, there are some important things to know. Here’s what you need to know about what the Catalyst does and the best way to find it.

What It Does

Destiny 2 Legend of Acrius Weapon

The Legend of Acrius comes with a single perk that seems a little boring:

  • Deeper Pockets – Increase ammo reserves.

It's not a shiny new perk or ability, but honestly more ammo is a nice touch with the Legend of Acrius. It already deals a healthy dose of DPS, the intrinsic Shock Blast can obliterate foes with Arc energy, and it can be fitted to have longer range at the cost of handling speed.

Having more ammo simply means players can spend longer blasting enemies apart up close before falling back to get more or switch weapons. That’s not a bad thing with a fun weapon like this shotgun.

How To Find It

Destiny 2 Nightfall The Ordeal

To obtain the Legend of Acrius Catalyst players need to grind out Nightfall: The Ordeal Strikes. It’s a randomized drop that has a rare chance of occurring. Master Nightfall seems to have a higher likelihood of dropping the Legend of Acrius Catalyst, but it’s still very rare.

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Players may opt to join a team to run Master level Nightfall Strikes or run a lower difficulty solo. Legend difficulty seems to be the right balance of difficult and efficient as a team or skilled solo player.


Destiny 2 White Legend of Arcius

Once obtained, the player will need to upgrade it. Upgrading the Legend of Acrius Catalyst requires killing a whopping 500 enemies using the Legend of Acrius. Fortunately, many of those kills can be retroactive.

There are also no requirements for the kill so it can be an NPC in PVE modes or a Guardian in PVP. So long as the finishing blow is dealt with the Legend of Acrius, it counts.


Destiny 2 Guardian Aiming Legend of Arcius

A good strategy to maximize efficiency is to use the Legend of Acrius in Nightfall: The Ordeal Strikes. It might decrease completion efficiency, but the player can rack up a healthy number of retroactive kills when it comes time to upgrading.

The Legend of Acrius is a viable weapon in Raids and other areas but it’s not the best. For this reason, players may want to consider if it's worth the effort of tracking down the Legend of Acrius Catalyst and subsequently upgrading it. If the player is maining shotguns, likes this particular weapon, or is rounding out a collection then it is worth it. Otherwise, the player should put their time into chasing down event rewards or pursuing better Catalyst for superior weapons.

Next: Destiny 2: What The Heir Apparent Catalyst Does & How To Find It