Bungie has officially confirmed that the series of Destiny 2 leaks were due to the action of a single individual who attended the community summits over the years. While the initial leaks weren't too troublesome for the player base and even helped create hype surrounding upcoming features, over the years, the information coming out shifted dangerously toward gameplay and narrative, with one leak detailing the mechanics of Destiny 2's Root of Nightmares raid in its entirety, days before the actual launch.For years, players have been combing through Destiny 2 game files to discover what new future secrets Bungie is hiding. While datamining still presents a risk for narrative and other cosmetic-related purposes, Bungie hasn't taken concrete actions to deter the practice, as players inspecting the game's API don't cross legal boundaries. The leaks do not fall under this category, as the developer stated on Twitter that the leaked materials originate from several community summits. Hosted by Bungie to gather feedback on upcoming features and content, community summits have been a staple for the game, with several prominent community members and content creators.RELATED:Helpful Destiny 2 Trick Lets You Cheese Hypernet Current Grandmaster Strike Sparrow SegmentIn an official tweet via the Destiny 2 Team Twitter page, Bungie confirmed that its Security and Legal teams reviewed significant amounts of proof and traced the source back to an individual community member. The tweet further explains that this individual had been leaking information for several years, potentially even the leaks during the earlier days of Destiny 2. In a follow-up tweet Bungie expressed disappointment over the outcome, stating that the studio wishes that "things had gone differently with this person." While not explicitly stated in the tweet, the tone indicates that the individual is either banned from attending future community summits or outright banned from playing the game.

Several players in the comment section of the tweet and on other social media threads have speculated on the leaker's identity. It should be noted that Bungie hasn't indulged any names throughout the investigation process, and players pointing fingers at individuals without proper confirmation can have potentially dangerous outcomes. More importantly, the leaks preceding the investigation outlined several changes and updates coming to Destiny 2 in future seasons, including a massive overhaul to multiple Exotic armors. Players will have to wait and see if the leaked information was accurate and if Bungie changed anything to surprise the community in the face of the leaks.

It seems that this chapter of Destiny 2 is finally at an end, and hopefully, the community will be able to enjoy the future seasons' narrative without being spoiled. And with a mid-season patch to fix several of Destiny 2's problems on the way, the game's future looks brighter every day.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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