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After Destiny 2 players take down the Warpriest, they will soon encounter the second boss of King's Fall. While the second boss is not a brutal DPS (Damage Per Second) check like the Warpriest was, Golgoroth does have some unique mechanics that players will need to master if they hope to overcome the massive ogre that stands between them and the second half of the King's Fall raid in Destiny 2. This guide will cover every last detail of how Golgoroth and his mechanics work so that players will know exactly what they need to do when they face this boss.

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Before the Destiny 2 raid fight begins, players should discuss amongst themselves and divide into two groups. The first group will consist of two players that will take turns taunting Golgoroth by holding his gaze. The second group will be the remaining four players that will be responsible for dealing as much damage as possible to the boss.

For the two players who will be doing the taunting, the recommended loadout is add (short for additional enemies) clear weapons, sniper rifles, and heavy weapons like linear fusion rifles or machine guns.

One player in the damage group should have Divinity equipped, while the rest of the group can also use similar loadouts as the taunting team. Warlocks should be running Well of Radiance as their super, and Ward of Dawn is a good option for Titans as well. Solar Titans will be very useful for eliminating adds.

Golgoroth Guide


To begin the fight, Destiny 2 players will need to shoot down the glowing bubble that is on the ceiling in the middle of the room. Once it drops, Golgoroth will emerge from the ground, and the encounter will begin.

At this point, adds will spawn all over the room. Players will need to kill them as fast as possible while also trying to stay out of sight of Golgoroth, as his eye beam attack does a huge amount of damage. Once all the adds have been cleared, players are free to start the damage phase at their earliest convenience.

To start the damage phase, there are two things players will need to do. One of the players who will be taunting the boss should shoot the giant glowing spot on Golgoroth's back to get a buff called "Golgoroth's Gaze." This buff lasts for 20 seconds, and while a player has this buff, the boss will always turn and face them.

This is how the two players will taunt the boss, as he will ignore everyone else and send a barrage of Taken orbs at the Destiny 2 player who has the buff. The taunting team will also be shooting down glowing bubbles that appear on the ceiling.

When these bubbles drop onto the ground, they create a pool that the damage team can stand in to then do damage to Golgoroth. While Golgoroth is taunted, his stomach opens up to reveal a giant glowing crit spot for the damage team to shoot.

RELATED: Warpriest Encounter Guide

Coordinated Taunting


Meanwhile, the taunting team will need to communicate with each other when their timer on the gaze buff is about to expire. The player that is about to take Golgoroth's attention should get into position behind the boss, while the other player that currently has the gaze should be ready to shoot down the next bubble for the damage team.

The damage team will assist with the bubble as well. The other taunting player should grab the buff before their teammate's timer expires. It is highly recommended to switch the taunt and drop the bubble at the same time to maximize the time spent doing damage to Golgoroth.

Once a player has successfully taunted Golgoroth, they should position themselves so that Golgoroth is facing the damage group to give them a clear line of sight of the big crit spot.

The bubbles spawn in different locations each time, so the taunting team will need to be constantly moving around during the damage phase while destroying the small Taken orbs that are homing in toward them.

The damage team will move to each location that a bubble drops on to continue doing damage. If the taunting team fails to hold Golgoroth's attention, the damage phase will end prematurely, and runes on the tablet in the middle of the room will begin to light up. Once all bubbles have been dropped, the damage phase will end, and more adds will spawn.

Don't Get Tunnel Vision


Destiny 2 players that are on the damage team should keep an eye out for a debuff that will appear in the lower left-hand corner of their screen called "Unstable Light." When the timer on Unstable Light expires, the player it was on will explode and deal damage to players within range.

The damage from this debuff will kill anyone who is too close when it goes off, so the player that gets Unstable Light should move away from the group as fast as possible. Once they are finished exploding, that player can safely return to the damage group. Focusing only on damage and ignoring this mechanic can easily cause a wipe, so Destiny players should be vigilant. The player with the debuff will also get a sickly green color all over their screen when they have Unstable Light, so keep an eye out for that.

As previously mentioned, any bubbles that don't get used due to the taunt team losing Golgoroth's Gaze will fill runes on the pillar in the middle of the room known as the Tablet of Ruin. If too many bubbles have been lost, Destiny 2 players will see a message in the lower left-hand corner of the screen that says: "The Tablet of Ruin is complete."

When this happens, the entire group of players will die and have to start the encounter all over again. So for that reason, it is highly recommended that the taunt team should not let the Golgoroth's Gaze buff expire since this can cause a wipe pretty quickly.

As the boss gets low on health, Hive adds will be replaced by Taken adds between damage phases. Keep an eye out for Taken Phalanxes and kill them as fast as possible. If Destiny 2 players can manage the taunt mechanic efficiently enough, then they will have no trouble bringing Golgoroth down and claiming their hard-earned loot. From there, they can proceed to the last puzzle section and the Daughters of Oryx.

Destiny 2 is now available for Epic Games Store, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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