To encourage players to pre-order, developers will often provide some incentives for doing so. Sometimes it is early access, sometimes it is some extra cosmetic goodies or beta access (where applicable). In the case of Destiny 2, players usually got some cosmetic rewards like emotes and emblems.

Starting with Lightfall, Destiny 2 players who preordered either the Collector's Edition or the Annual Pass Edition got an extra bonus in the form of early access to a powerful Exotic weapon. The Final Shape continues this trend by offering Tessellation as an incentive. After players have pre-ordered either of the two editions mentioned above, here is how players can claim their very own Tessellation.

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How to Get Tessellation


Back during Year 5 of Destiny 2, players who preordered either the Collector's Edition or Annual Pass got Quicksilver Storm from Rahool. With the release of Season 22, players will no longer need to visit the infamous Cryptarch for their preorder bonuses. There is a new terminal to the right of Banshee-44 that players can interact with. This Special Delivery terminal is where players will go to get their preorder bonuses and Amazon Prime items as well.

Upon interacting with the terminal, players will see any rewards they are eligible to claim. After having pre-ordered The Final Shape, players should see a list of items that they can take. One of these items will be Tessellation. Oddly, Rahool's Secret Stash has been moved to the Special Delivery terminal as well.

What does Tessellation Do?


Tessellation is an Exotic Fusion Rifle with a unique effect. The damage type will match whatever subclass that players are using. Whether it is Arc, Solar, Void, Strand, or Stasis, Tessellation will match it.


While this may not seem like much, Tessellation also has another effect that makes it very useful. If players hold down the reload button while they have a fully charged grenade, Tessellation will consume the grenade. At this point, players will be able to activate the alternate firing mode for Tessellation. When active, it fires a bolt that is more like a round from a Grenade Launcher. This creates a large explosion that can easily wipe out an entire group of enemies.

To trade off for losing a grenade charge, any kills made with this weapon will grant grenade energy so that it recharges faster. This can be improved further by having a higher amount of Discipline. Currently, there is no catalyst for Tessellation, but it is likely that one will be added in The Final Shape just like how Quicksilver Storm got a catalyst once Lightfall was released. If a catalyst is added, this guide will be updated accordingly.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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