Although they vary in how useful they are, Exotics in Destiny 2 add some spice to the gameplay. Players will build craft around Exotics, especially when it comes to maximizing survivability or damage in high end PvE encounters. Since Exotics are mostly acquired randomly, players will spend a lot of their in-game time hunting them down unless they get really lucky.

Even Exotics in more difficult activities are still random drops, including Exotics like Necrotic Grip. But the hunt is worth it, as Necrotic Grip is very useful in PvE activities. Here is how Destiny 2 players can get Necrotic Grip.

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How to Get Necrotic Grip

Destiny 2 Necrotic Grip Gauntlets

Necrotic Grip is an Exotic Gauntlet that can be used only be Warlocks. This Exotic was first added into the game back during Beyond Light in 2020. At this point, Exotic Armor was either bought from Xur or acquired as a random drop in any activity. This was too reliant on RNG, so Bungie made some significant changes to how new Exotic Armor could be acquired. All new Exotic Armor from Season 12 onward drops from Legend/Master Lost Sectors exclusively.

The tricky part about these new Exotics, however, is that they can only drop if completing those activities solo. As if that isn't difficult enough, the drop rate on these Exotics is really low. Even on Master, it can take numerous attempts for players to successfully acquire an Exotic from completing a Legend/Master Lost Sector. One final important thing to know is that the type of Exotic Armor that is available changes daily.

In order to see the current daily Legend/Master Lost Sector, players must be high enough Power level to see it and also have completed that Lost Sector on normal difficulty. Otherwise, the Lost Sector will not show up on the Director.

For example, on one day it might be only Exotic Head Armor that drops. Then on the next day, it will be Exotic Chest Armor that drops. So if players want to get Necrotic Grip, they will have to farm Legend/Master Lost Sectors on days when it is Gauntlet armor that drops.

What is the Exotic Perk of Necrotic Grip


Necrotic Grip has a very powerful Exotic Perk that can potentially clear out an entire room of enemies. When players have Necotic Grip equipped and melee a target, a poison debuff will apply to the target that does increasingly more damage over time. The best part of this perk is that when a target dies with the poison debuff, the poison will spread to other nearby targets. If those targets die from the poison effect, the debuff will keep spreading to other nearby targets until there are no other targets to spread to.


Best of all, Necrotic Grip has synergy with all Weapons of Sorrow. The Weapons of Sorrow are Thorn, Osteo Striga, and Touch of Malice. With Thorn, the poison effect will spread to other targets if Necrotic Grip is equipped. With Osteo Striga and the Catalyst, poison kills caused by Necrotic Grip will overflow the magazine for Osteo Striga. For Touch of Malice, getting kills or using the Blight will cause poison to spread.

In addition to that, if players have a Glaive equipped along with Necrotic Grip, the melee from the Glaive will apply the poison debuff as well. As a result, combining Necrotic Grip with any of the weapons listed above can easily wipe out entire groups of enemies within seconds. This is especially useful in the Lightfall legendary campaign.

Destiny 2 is available now on Epic Games Store, PS4, PS5, Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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