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Aside from new story and activities, all sorts of new features are often added in Destiny 2 expansions. Whether it is new subclasses or systems like Weapon Crafting, there is always some sort of new feature for players to utilize as they defend the Solar System from the Witness and its Disciples.

While there are many features still coming to Destiny 2 during Year 6, including an in-game group finder for endgame activities like raids and dungeons, Guardian Ranks made it into the initial release of Lightfall. This guide will explain what these Guardian Ranks are and how they work.

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What Are Guardian Ranks


Guardian Ranks are a progression system that has been added into Destiny 2. There are 11 Ranks in total, and the intent behind this system is for players to demonstrate their skill level and experience in the game. The ranks that can be obtained are as follows.

  • Rank 1: New Light
  • Rank 2: Explorer
  • Rank 3: Initiate
  • Rank 4: Scout
  • Rank 5: Adventurer
  • Rank 6: Veteran
  • Rank 7: Elite
  • Rank 8: Justiciar
  • Rank 9: Vanquisher
  • Rank 10: Exemplar
  • Rank 11: Paragon

Most players started Lightfall at Rank 6, regardless of if they started playing Destiny 2 at launch or a month prior to Lightfall. According to Bungie, Guardian Ranks will reset every season. So when Season of the Deep starts later this year, all active players will go back down to Rank 6 and have to work their way back up toward Paragon once again.

How to Increase Guardian Rank


In order to increase Guardian Rank, Destiny 2 players will need to complete a variety of objectives listed under the next rank above the one that players are currently at. For example, all new players start at Rank 1. Once a new player completes the New Light quest they will reach Rank 2.

From Rank 2 onward, each rank gradually introduces players to mechanics in Destiny 2. From doing Lost Sectors to completing patrols, players will have to do progressively more complex tasks throughout the game. In addition to complexity, each rank has progressively more tasks that need to be completed. For players at Rank 6, they will need to complete 23 tasks to reach Rank 7.

The path to reach Rank 7 will require players to have mastery over using mods to counter Champions, beat Nightfalls, complete seasonal content, and give commendations to other players among other things. When a player ranks up, they will glow with golden light to show off their accomplishment to other nearby players.

Are There Any Rewards For Ranking Up?


There are ten in-game lore books that can be earned by ranking up. At this time it is unclear if there are any rewards for reaching Rank 11. That said, there are certain types of mods that are unlocked by completing tasks. For example, at Rank 6 if players complete three Nightfalls while using a subclass that matches the current Surge, they will unlock a new set of mods to use. Other than that, Guardian Ranks seem to be mostly just for prestige.

Destiny 2 is available now on Epic Games Store, PS4, PS5, Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.