Destiny 2 features dozens of shaders. These shaders are offered in a variety of different ways, including both free and premium options. This typically results in Destiny 2 players having a collection of random shaders that allows players to experiment with their Guardian's color scheme. It's rare for Destiny 2 players to ask Bungie for more straightforward options for shaders, and rarer yet for them to ask for a microtransaction for them, but a recent charity initiative has created a unique demand.

A request from a father in memory of the tragic loss of his daughter has Destiny 2 players asking Bungie to sell them gold shaders. The Destiny 2 dad says that in remembrance of his daughter and in acknowledgment of Childhood Cancer Awareness month, it would mean a lot of players could wear gold throughout September. The post has gone viral, with prominent members of the Destiny 2 community including Twitch's AnneMunition and Bungie community manager dmg04 broadcasting it to their followers.

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There's just one issue that many Destiny 2 players are having a problem with: not everyone has gold-colored shaders readily available. Sometimes Destiny 2's random drops just aren't conducive to large community efforts like this. There's simply no accessible way for everyone that wants to participate to gain access to gold shaders.

The solution that Destiny 2 players are asking for, both on Destiny 2 subreddits and on social media, is for Bungie to add options to acquire gold shaders via a hotfix. A hotfix would allow Bungie to make the change without needing a larger patch. Some ideas include a special shader bundle in the Destiny 2 in-game store, or a digital product outside the game that can be purchased and will deliver the gold shaders in-game. Bungie has done similar things for past charity efforts, but not without planning.

There's no guarantee that Bungie will follow through on player requests, of course. The team is very active in the community, so it is certain that it knows about the Childhood Cancer Awareness effort. But these kinds of things are often much more complicated than people thing. Charity efforts often require partnerships established over time, long-term planning, and careful development resource management. The stars may not be able to align in September.

While waiting to see if Bungie is able to provide a method for rewarding golden shaders, Destiny 2 players without gold can try and find or earn some shaders along the way. The New Monarchy faction shaders, Calus's Selected, and a variety of golden exotic armor pieces are all possible options. Otherwise, the charitable sentiment alone is worthwhile.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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