Table of contents

Titles are a highly sought after cosmetic in Destiny 2. While they don't provide any gameplay benefits, titles are a great way for players to show off where they spend their time in the game. In order to get a title players will need to complete a series of Triumphs (essentially in-game achievements) listed on the sub menu for that particular title. Now there is a title associated with each of the four holiday events in Destiny 2. One example of these holiday themed titles is Ghost Writer which can only be obtained during Festival of the Lost. This guide will show players what they need to do to obtain the Ghost Writer title.

RELATED: Destiny 2: Festival of the Lost Guide

Triumphs Needed For Ghost Writer


In order to get the Ghost Writer title, players will need to complete the 16 Triumphs that are listed on the Ghost Writer Seal. These Triumphs can also be seen on the event page for Festival of the Lost. The Triumphs that players need to complete are as follows.

Cryptozoologist - (Restore a Chapter in the Book of the Forgotten Vol. 2)

Bookworm I - (Restore 9 Chapters in the Book of the Forgotten Vol. 2)

Bookworm II - (Restore 18 Chapters in the Book of the Forgotten Vol. 2)

Bookworm III - (Restore all 27 Chapters in the Book of the Forgotten Vol. 2)

Heads Will Roll - (Kill 100 Headless Ones)

Local Haunts - (Complete 3 Haunted Sectors on Nessus, Europa, the Moon, and the EDZ. Each.)

Candy Corner - (Earn 17,500 Candy from Activities)

Mystery Meet - (Purchase Epic Myster Grab Bags From Eva Levante)

Sniperstition - (Defeat combatants with Sniper Rifles)

Automatic Transmission - (Defeat combatants with Auto Rifles)

Third Shot's a Charm - (Defeat combatants with Pulse Rifles)

Shocking Conclusion - (Defeat combatants with Arc damage)

Occult Ritual - (Complete activities in Ritual Playlists)

Strike the Deck - (Complete Strikes or Ketchcrash Activities)

Masked Bandit - (Complete matches in Crucible or Gambit with Mask equipped)

Happy Haunting Ground - (Complete 35 Haunted Sectors)

This lengthy list of Triumphs can take some time to complete, but luckily there are some ways to efficiently work on several of these Triumphs at once. Working on several triumphs at the same time is highly recommended since Festival of the Lost is only available for a limited time. Destiny 2 players only have from October 18th to November 8th. After that, Ghost Writer will be unobtainable until next year when Festival of the Lost returns.

What is an Efficient Way to Obtain Ghost Writer?


Luckily for Destiny 2 players, a lot of the Triumphs are designed in a way where players can earn multitask and work on several Triumphs at once. It is recommended that players farm Core Playlists like Strikes and Crucible to get as many Spectral Pages as possible. These activities don't take long, and players will have no trouble stocking up on Spectral Pages which are required for Haunted Sectors. While players are farming Spectral Pages, they should also have a Sniper Rifle and either an Auto Rifle or Pulse Rifle equipped. Finally, players should make sure they have a mask equipped along with an Arc subclass.

By doing all of this, Destiny 2 players can be earning progress toward Candy Corner, two of the weapon Triumphs, Shocking Conclusion, and Occult Ritual at the same time. Not only will they be earning progress on up to five Triumphs at once, but also they will be getting the Spectral Pages they need. Spectral Pages cap out at 75, so eventually players will need to go do some Haunted Sectors and kill Headless Ones so that the Spectral Pages will be converted into Manifested Pages.

Complete Book of the Forgotten Vol. 2


Players will need to get as many Manifested Pages as possible. While earlier chapters in Book of the Forgotten require five or less Manifested Pages to restore, later chapters will require nine Manifested Pages.Destiny 2 players can get a maximum of 15 Manifested Pages in a single run of a Haunted Sector. So it will take many Haunted Sector Runs to complete all three Bookworm triumphs. This also progresses the Happy Haunting Ground Triumph as well.

The Happy Haunting Ground Triumph does not require players to have Spectral Pages in their inventory, so it is possible to just jump into the Haunted Sector Playlist and complete this triumph within a couple of hours.

Finish Up Any Remaining Triumphs


By the time that Destiny 2 players have completed Book Worm III, players will have completed the majority of the other Triumphs required for Ghost Writer. If players have made sure to get kills with Auto Rifles, Pulse Rifles, and Sniper Rifles while using an Arc subclass, those Triumphs will be finished if not close to finished. It is possible that players will still need to finish the Candy Corner triumph, but Candy is easily farmed so that Triumph doesn't take long.

The only Triumph that might be tricky is Local Haunts. Since there is no way to go to a specific Haunted Sector, players are at the mercy of wherever the Haunted Sector playlist sends them. But if Destiny 2 players have played efficiently enough, they will have no trouble unlocking the Ghost Writer title before the event ends.

Destiny 2 is available now on Epic Games Store, PS4, PS5, Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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