Although one of the major selling points of Destiny 2 on PC is a smooth frame rate and presentation, in recent days the quality of experience has been anything but smooth. That will soon change, though, as Bungie announces a new Monday hot fix that will fix a stuttering issue on PC.

While Destiny 2 was generating tons of second looks on PC at launch, there was a recent patch that made things decidedly worse. Across the board, PC players were reporting stuttering and hitching with the game, to the point it almost looked like in-game lag.

Players were still getting over 120 frames per second in the game, but there were moments where the game would lock up for a second and then return to normal. In PvE the issue was bothersome, but not enough to really “ruin” anything. However, in PvP, the hitching was outright hurting Destiny 2’s appeal. During the first week of Trials of the Nine (on PC) and the launch of a major competitor in Call of Duty: WW2, the overall sentiment on PC was negative.

Bungie acknowledged the stuttering issue earlier in the week but did not explain why it might be happening. Most assumed that it was a problem with the most recent patch, but reverting to an older patch would leave the game vulnerable to other problems.

Early last week, Bungie fixed a collision issue with the Bureaucratic Walk emote to ensure players can’t glitch outside walls. So, while reverting to an older patch may have fixed the stuttering issue, it likely would have hurt the launch of Trials on PC.

Destiny 2 The Tower rebuilt

If all goes according to plan, Monday’s hot fix should bring Destiny 2 on PC back to where it was around launch. Frame rates should be consistent and the stuttering issue should be gone. Of course, there is always another bug to fix or issue to iron out, but at the very least PC players should be happy to see the game run better. And they will even have a little time left to get some Trials of the Nine matches in and see how the PvP experience works without the threat of hitching.

Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.