
  • The First Descendant aims to offer a refreshing take on the looter-shooter genre, with gameplay design inspired by both action RPGs and first-person shooters like Destiny 2.
  • The game has garnered interest and excitement from players during its beta phase, showing promising potential for mainstream appeal.
  • While The First Descendant may share similarities with Destiny 2, it sets itself apart with a narrower focus and a deep cast of playable characters, which could impact both cooperative gameplay and storytelling.

NEXON Games' new third-person looter-shooter The First Descendant has caught players' attention with its most recent trailer boasting cutting-edge fidelity and gameplay design familiar to anyone who has spent time in the genre. As Destiny 2 trudges toward the conclusion of its Light and Dark saga, which will culminate in 2024's The Final Shape, those experiencing fatigue from the franchise could find a new home in The First Descendant.

There is an argument to be made that the looter-shooter genre has already hit the point of inundation. Past its peak of being one of gaming's premier trends, studios are still innovating and iterating on new titles that will refine the endless loop of hunting for ever-better loot. Almost a year since its Lightfall expansion, the current Destiny 2 cycle is a waning one, as players seek out new games to scratch that itch. Now, the upcoming First Descendant is shaping up as a strong contender to take up that mantle.

The First Descendant Interview: Lee Beom-jun Talks Influences, Gear Grinding, and More

Lee Beom-jun, producer of Nexon's The First Descendant, discusses service philosophy, Steam beta, the fun side of grinding, and more with Game ZXC.

Something Special is Brewing Over at NEXON

Titanic Foe The First Descendant

Initially announced in the summer of 2022, NEXON's The First Descendent is set as a showpiece for harnessing the potential of Unreal Engine 5. Though its primary genre is looter-shooter, there is some shared DNA with action RPGs, and over a decade of inspiration to draw from both genres.

Gameplay videos have players likening it to Warframe with its third-person perspective, ditching the cover-based combat of titles like The Division for the movement, verticality, and scale of first-person games like Destiny 2. The latter may be what sets The First Descendant apart, with teams of up to four banding together to tackle some truly colossal foes utilizing an eclectic array of active skills, acrobatic maneuverability, and the tank/heals/damage holy trinity of teamwork.

The First Descendant Already Has its Identity Figured Out

A beta for The First Descendant in September showed promise, garnering a healthy following eager to get its hands on the game. With polish to the movement, shooting, and enemy AI systems, the game absolutely has the opportunity for mainstream appeal.

Being free-to-play will help it gain traction, and NEXON's expressed commitment to a live-service model will hopefully result in a long lifespan for The First Descendant. Interest in the game has renewed with a release date trailer at the Game Awards, targeting a summer 2024 debut.

The First Descendant is Not Just A Destiny Clone

WoundedHeroTheFirstDescendant (1)

The First Descendant's narrowed focus relative to Destiny 2 has its advantages and disadvantages. No dedicated PvP modes mean competitive gamers may be left wanting, but the expansive roster of playable Descendants boasting an impressive variety in combat may have been impossible if NEXON had to account for balance in PvP.

The value of The First Descendant's deep cast of characters will shine in cooperative gameplay but may pose a challenge to juggle concerning storytelling. Destiny 2 utilized a decade of plot development and top-tier voice-acting to develop pathos in its supporting cast, with Guardians acting as more of a blank canvas for players. The Descendants all have unique identities, and it will be up to NEXON to decide if that amounts to little more than one-liners throughout the campaign or if the plot will weave through its entire roster.

Success Begins With The First Descendant's Endgame

Transparency has been a large part of NEXON's rollout of The First Descendant, producing a wealth of information on what the game will entail. One aspect that still needs some light shed on it is the endgame, which will ultimately be the hinge between the game having staying power or being remembered as another fad-chasing flash in the pan.

A model like Destiny 2's with raids and master difficulty content seems likely, but with a party cap of four, it will be interesting to see if The First Descendant treads its own path through the endgame. In the meantime, NEXON's long-term plans will hopefully be revealed ahead of its anticipated summer 2024 release.