Bungie managed to revolutionize the FPS genre with the Halo franchise, and when they finished the story they wanted to tell, they decided to delve into the MMORPG landscape, which is why the Destiny franchise exists. Like Halo, Destiny features several enemy alien races, all of whom have their own unique appearances, mechanics, and histories, and the Fallen are arguably the most common enemy faction in the game.

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Beyond Light is the game's latest expansion, and it focuses on a new Fallen House on Europa that uses the Darkness power known as Stasis. This House is led by Eramis, a former Baron who holds a grudge against The Traveler, who basically betrayed her people hundreds of years ago. Eramis may have been defeated, but that does not mean she cannot return in a future expansion, and if she does return, it would be good for players to know a little bit more about her.

10 She Was A Mother

Eramis Speaking To Her Baron

Before the Traveler entered our solar system, it visited the Eliksni homeworld of Riis, and it allowed their civilization to have its own Golden Age. Eramis lived during this time of prosperity, and she had many hatchlings with her mate, Athrys, which means that she was a mother.

This Golden Age ended when the Darkness appeared and brought forth an apocalyptic event called the "Whirlwind." Eramis lost Athrys during this cataclysm, along with most, if not all of her children, which makes her hatred for the Traveler even more justifiable since it abandoned her people in their moment of need.

9 She Was Behind The Outbreak Perfected Fallen Infiltration

Zero Hour Completion

Destiny 2 has several long quests that offer terrible rewards, but the Zero Hour quest is not one of them. This quest has a 20-minute time limit, and players need to make their way through the old tower and wipe out a Fallen infiltration team that is trying to steal the Outbreak Perfected exotic pulse rifle.

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Since this rifle is associated with the SIVA from Rise of Iron, it's possible that the Fallen were trying to recreate the Devil Splicers, and it turns out that Eramis was the one who orchestrated this infiltration because she wanted to gain power that her people could use against the Guardians.

8 Her World Was Attacked By Oryx

destiny oryx

Oryx was a Hive God and the main antagonist of the Taken King expansion, and he is still one of the most difficult final raid bosses that Bungie has created. When the Darkness Pyramids decided to leave Riis, the Fallen were attacked by an army of Hive who were led by Oryx himself.

This invasion led to the total annihilation of several Houses, as well as the extermination of billions of Fallen, who were either killed or transformed into Taken who were bound to Oryx's will.

7 She Belonged To The House Of Devils

House Of Devils Artwork

The Fallen have always lived in separate Houses, but the Houses all lived in harmony with each other while the Traveler was around, When the Darkness came and caused their civilization to collapse, the surviving Houses fought each other in a Civil War.

Eramis may have created House Salvation, but before that, she was a loyal member of the House of Devils, one of the primary Fallen factions players faced off against in the original Destiny, and she remained loyal to the House until the end of the acclaimed Forsaken expansion. 

6 The Impact Of Twilight Gap

Twilight Gap Comic Illustration

There are plenty of things new Destiny 2 players need to know, but they also need to familiarize themselves with certain sections of the franchise's lore. The Battle of Twilight Gap was one of the biggest and most important battles in Guardian history, as several Fallen Houses joined forces and attacked the Last City.

Several heroes emerged from this battle on both sides, including Eramis, who led one of the Fallen's final pushes-which resulted in the death of hundreds of Guardians. This feat attracted many to her future cause, including her Barons.

5 She Used To Steal Ships

Eramis Entering The Boss Arena

So far, Eramis is the only female Fallen Kell that fans have encountered, but prior to becoming the Kell of her own House, she rose to the rank of Baron in the House of Devils. As a Baron, Eramis commanded multiple ships, but she ended up making a name for herself another way.

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When she was a member of the House of Devils, Eramis was known for stealing ships that belonged to the Last City and other Fallen Houses, which is why she was given the nickname, "Shipstealer."

4 She Was Variks' Prisoner

darkness fallen europa

Bringing Variks back in Beyond Lightwas a very good decision on Bungie's part, and thanks to the campaign, fans now know that he and Eramis had history. The two were friends on Riis, and they both followed the Traveler to Earth's solar system with their respective Houses.

Variks ended up becoming the warden of the Prison of Elders, while Eramis became a prisoner shortly after Twilight Gap. Before Variks freed all the prisoners, he approached Eramis and asked if she would join him in uniting their people, and she responded by threatening to kill him one day.

3 Eramis Was A Traditionalist

Eramis Speaking To Her Fallen

Beyond Light gave fans an Eramis who was very desperate and ruthless, but she was not always like this. For the longest time, Eramis was regarded as a Fallen traditionalist, which meant that she was crafty, vicious, and uncompromising.

She was also a follower of the old ways, which is why she had such a fierce loyalty to her House of Devils. She was so loyal in fact that she attempted to bolster and rebuild her House by bringing in Fallen from various other Houses that had collapsed.

2 She Broke A Major Fallen Taboo

Eramis Harnessing The Darkness

Eramis may have started out as a traditionalist, but after losing to the Guardians again and again, she became conniving and power-hungry, and when her raid on the Tower ended in failure, she decided to finally break one of her people's most sacred tenets.

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The Traveler may have abandoned the Fallen, but they still worshipped it to some degree, while the Darkness became a physical manifestation of calamity. When she obtained Stasis, Eramis claimed the powers of The Darkness, the same enemy that destroyed her home and ravaged her people.

1 The Vanguard Knew About Her For A While

Eramis Unifying The Fallen

The Vanguard is a fireteam of elite Guardians, and some of the strongest Light-bearers in history have been members of this group. The Vanguard's main job is to coordinate the Last City's defenses, which is why they have scouts all over the solar system monitoring enemy movements.

Prior to the events of Beyond Light, the Vanguard received numerous reports about Eramis, to the point that they considered her a true Fallen unifier, but they did not act. This means that Eramis was able to obtain Stasis and become a major threat because the Vanguard effectively allowed it to happen.

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