The exotic weapons in Destiny 2 are intended to be the best in the game, while also providing unique perks that make them stand out. This has led to weapons like the Vex Mythoclast and Gjallarhorn being able to dominate in either PvP or PvE spaces. As a bonus, many exotics in Destiny 2 also have catalysts; unique weapon quests that require players to meet a certain criterion using the weapon to boost its stats and often unlock additional perks. Despite the many exotics in Destiny 2 that have gotten catalysts so far, there are still quite a few that don’t have one, limiting their overall effectiveness.

This isn’t to say that these weapons aren’t still useful. Many, such as Thorn, continue to see implementation by fans and can be key to great builds in both PvE and PvP, but they could still benefit from catalysts. Le Monarque is slated to get a new catalyst soon and is another great example. Even though Le Monarque is already a strong weapon in PvP spaces, a catalyst will still make it more powerful. Depending on what this catalyst introduces to the weapon, it could also see its efficacy increase in PvE, activities making Le Monarque a stronger option for players that don’t participate in Destiny 2’s PvP modes as much.

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Exotic Kinetic Weapons

destiny 2 wish ender bug

Kinetic exotic weapons are an amalgamation of effective PvE and PvP weapons. While most aren’t ideal for breaking enemy shields in Destiny 2, their overall damage and perks can make them incredibly effective in the right situations. This is likely what has kept some of the exotic kinetic weapons from getting catalysts as certain ones could become problematic if buffed too much. While this might not create as big of problems as the constantly game-breaking fusion rifle Telesto, fine-tuning the Destiny 2 sandbox has proven to be difficult when changes to exotic weapons happen.

Each exotic weapon should still get a catalyst though, but only one or two of them tend to be so absent from gameplay that it’s noticeable. However, the upcoming buffs to exotic weapons in The Witch Queen also means that some of the kinetic exotic weapons that don’t have catalysts yet should start to perform better overall, making them more viable options in the future.

Bastion – Fusion Rifle

Malfeasance – Hand Cannon

Monte Carlo – Auto Rifle

The Chaperone – Shotgun

The Last Word – Hand Cannon

Thorn – Hand Cannon

Wish-Ender – Bow

Probably the most notable of the kinetic exotics above is The Chaperone, which will be getting a nerf to its passive range buff in The Witch Queen. Right now, the gun is incredibly strong in PvP, so seeing it reigned in makes sense. How it will fare in the PvP environment once the new glaive weapons are introduced will be interesting, as the new weapon type could prove to be a reliable counter to The Chaperone, especially once changes to weapons go through in The Witch Queen expansion.

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Exotic Energy Weapons

destiny 2 tarrabah exotic weapon

The exotic energy weapons in Destiny 2 are some of the strongest in the game, hands down. Their combination of perks and effectiveness on shielded enemies in endgame activities makes them reliable options in almost every activity. The majority of exotic energy weapons do have catalysts, but even the ones that don’t continue to be reliable options in Destiny 2’s different game modes. The new game-changing glaive weapons coming in The Witch Queen look like they’ll be solid additions to this, providing close and midrange effectiveness alongside incredibly useful perks.

The exotic energy weapons already available though, are time-proven options that excel under the proper circumstances. Weapons like Tarrabah and Jotunn can dominate the Iron Banner better than many exotics with catalysts, and Divinity is often part of the preferred tactics for raids in Destiny 2. Seeing the following weapons get catalysts would be fantastic, but many of them don’t need them to continue to be effective options.

Cloudstrike – Sniper Rifle

Devil's Ruin – Sidearm

Divinity – Trace Rifle

Jotunn – Fusion Rifle

Le Monarque – Bow (receiving a catalyst soon)

Tarrabah – SMG

Wavesplitter – Trace Rifle

Despite the strength of many of these weapons, Wavesplitter does see a lot less use than the other exotic energy weapons. This is partly due to how trace rifles continue to struggle as an archetype in Destiny 2, an aspect that will hopefully change following the buffs in The Witch Queen. Still, after Le Monarque receives its catalyst Wavesplitter, the weapon will hopefully be able to receive one that provides a unique and effective perk to help it perform on par with other weapons in the game.

Exotic Heavy Weapons

destiny 2 eyes of tomorrow

Exotic heavy weapons in Destiny 2 are some of the coolest weapons that players can get. Getting Gjallarhorn from its quest and completing its catalyst helps deliver a reprised favorite from the first Destiny game. Even those without catalysts, such as Anarchy, can still dominate while using some of the most unique mechanics in the game. As with the other classes of weapons, there are still exotic power weapons that don’t perform as well as their counterparts, because they already bring so much damage given their role in Destiny 2. Catalysts would be best focused on building up unique perks for power weapons, rather than increasing damage.

Probably the best option to receive a catalyst that builds on its existing perk uniquely would be Salvation’s Grip. While Destiny 2 players want changes to Eyes of Tomorrow, Salvation’s Grip is full of potential. A catalyst that builds off of its current perk and pulls on different aspects of Stasis in Destiny 2 could help it stand out. Such a catalyst could even make Salvation’s Grip an option that players see as useful as other Stasis exotic weapons like Ager’s Scepter.

Anarchy – Grenade Launcher

Eyes of Tomorrow – Rocket Launcher

One Thousand Voices – Fusion Rifle

The Queenbreaker – Linear Fusion Rifle

Salvation's Grip – Grenade Launcher

The Lament – Sword

Thunderlord – Machine Gun

Truth – Rocket Launcher

Two-Tailed Fox – Rocket Launcher

Xenophage – Machine Gun

While this list is longer than some might like, Destiny 2 has been shortening it over time. It will still be awhile before players see every classic weapon receive a catalyst, and as more weapons are introduced, inevitably not all of them will get one as they release. Hopefully, as Destiny 2 continues to evolve, it will prioritize more of the exotic weapons that struggle to get used by the community so that they can thrive in the game’s current sandbox.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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