
  • The Final Shape expansion brings exciting changes to Destiny 2, but the new Exotic items will blur the lines between character classes in a potentially harmful way.
  • Exotic class items will offer new buildcrafting options by giving players access to two random Exotic perks from Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks, which will surely impact both PvP and PvE gameplay across all classes.
  • The introduction of Exotic class items may lessen the appeal of having multiple characters in Destiny 2, with hardcore players who spent time keeping all three classes leveled up possibly feeling as if they wasted their time. Additionally, each class could feel less distinct.

Destiny 2’s latest preview for the upcoming The Final Shape expansion gave fans plenty to get excited about, with all new enemies, a new type of Exotic, and a new Subclass, among other things, set to bring fresh experiences to the game when the expansion releases on June 4, 2024. However, the new type of Exotic coming to Destiny 2 in this expansion is a sign that Destiny 2 is continuing down a worrying path that it has been following in recent updates.

Ever since the Subclasses 3.0 changes, the defining lines that separate the Hunter, Titan, and Warlock character classes in Destiny 2 have become less and less distinct, which has both positive and negative consequences. Certain abilities and synergies that were once exclusive to a specific character class have since become universal tools that players can use on any character now, with relatively few restrictions. With the new Exotic class items coming in The Final Shape expansion, though, this trend will reach a new extreme.

Old Destiny 3 Leak Legitimized By New Subclass

A Destiny 3 leak from February seems to have been legitimate after recent news proves at least some of its information was spot on.

The Final Shape Expansion Blurs the Lines That Separate Destiny 2’s Character

The new Exotic class items coming in The Final Shape expansion are set to give players some of the Exotic armor perks that are currently exclusive to a specific character class, which will open up all new buildcrafting tools for both PvP and endgame PvE content across all three character classes. In this sense, the new Exotic class items seem like a purely beneficial new feature that can shake up Destiny 2’s current meta in fresh ways, though at the same time, they are also a justified cause for concern.

For players who prefer to only play one of the three character classes available in Destiny 2, the new Exotic class items coming in The Final Shape Expansion will seemingly be a game-changer in all the right ways. On the other hand, this kind of change leaves the hardcore players who regularly play multiple character classes in Destiny 2 in a tough situation.

Until the community gets to see these new Exotic class items and stress test them firsthand, it remains uncertain how they will impact the Bungie title, but the nature of these new Exotics could do more harm than good for Destiny 2 .

Destiny 2’s New Exotic Class Items Are A Slippery Slope

destiny 2 the final shape

There are certain shortcuts that players can take to streamline the process, but progressing multiple characters to the point of reaching Destiny 2’s endgame content is no easy task. For the players who can pull this off, it can be a quite rewarding way to play the game, as it will give players more freedom for which type of builds to bring into specific activities, which helps since some classes are better suited for specific content than others. Though with these new Exotic class items coming to Destiny 2, having multiple characters may become a redundant achievement.

The new Exotic class items aren’t the first time that Destiny 2 has blurred the lines between the character classes, as the Subclass 3.0 systems started this trend, and the new Prismatic Subclasses will also play into this. Soon, things will reach an extreme point where the character classes will have more in common than not. Specifically, once these Exotic class items bring Exotic armor perks to each class, the only things separating the classes in Destiny 2 will be their supers, melee, movement, and class abilities.

Given how far this trend has gone, the new Exotic class items are a slippery slope that could lead to a major controversy in Destiny 2’s community if it continues any further. Consequently, the items need to be properly balanced so that they won’t ruin the appeal of having multiple characters. Additionally, it might be best for future Destiny 2 updates to focus on reversing this trend and making the character classes more distinct from each other in new ways.