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Every new Season in Destiny 2 comes with some sort of seasonal activity. The amount of activities will vary, but there is usually at least one. Whether it is a six-player offensive, a public event, or a three player activity like Heist Battlegrounds, there is always something new for players to do.

For Season of Defiance, Destiny 2 players get a new kind of battleground called Defiant Battlegrounds. This activity is three-player and has matchmkaing for the playlist version. There will be a Legend version of Defiant Battlegrounds later on in this season. In the meantime, here is a guide for Defiant Battleground: EDZ.

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Clear Out the Shadow Legion


The first step of Defiant Battleground: EDZ is to approach the Pyramid. Before Destiny 2 players can use Mara's powers to open a portal to the Ascendant Plane, they will need to clear the way first. There is a large group of Eliksni and Shadow Legion that need to be dealt with before approaching the Pyramid.

If doing this battleground in the playlist, there will be Unstoppable and Overload Champions scattered throughout this activity. Prepare load outs and artifact perks accordingly.

It may seem like the pedestal for the portal is out of reach, but players are able to walk on the water. When ready, approach the pedestal and open a portal into the Ascendant Plane.

The Ascendant Plane


The objective in this part of Defiant Battleground: EDZ is to move through the Ascendant Plane toward the Pyramid. There will be a heavy amount of resistance from the Taken. Along the way, there is a tunnel filled with Taken bombs and a blight with spinning parts. Carefully move through this area and ignite the Balefire to open the entrance to the Pyramid that is blocked by Taken Blights.

Infiltrate the Pyramid


Enter the Pyramid and follow the path to reach an open courtyard in the Pyramid. The pathway is blocked by a large Taken Blight that is guarded by a corrupted Servitor known as Exomida, Taken of the Witness. Exomida is dangerous due to the amount of attacks it launches at players, but it is also accompanied by large packs of Taken. Damage the boss until it goes immune. At this time, a Blight will appear on the left or the right side of the courtyard.

The Blight is guarded by a lot of Taken, so deal with them before destroying the Blight. Keep damaging the boss until another Blight appears. Repeat this process until the boss dies and then enter the Pyramid.

How to Beat Warden Vincu'us, Shadow Legion


Vincu'us is the final boss of this activity. Rally at the flag and make sure to have all weapons fully reloaded. Unlike previous seasonal activities, the final boss is in a respawn restricted zone. If players are not careful, they can wipe and have to start the battle over.

Damage the boss until he gains a shield. At this time, move toward the waypoint to ignite the Balefire. This will create a dome that protects players from the Darkness that fills the arena. When leaving the dome, players will have about 6 seconds before they start taking damage.

In order to break the shield, look for Taken Wizards called Taken Anomalies. Kill them and pick up the mote that they drop. Bring the mote back to the dome and cleanse it to turn it into a ball that can be thrown at the boss. It will take several balls to destroy the shield.

Resume damaging the boss until the shield goes back up. Ignite the next Balefire and repeat the process above to bring down the shield once again. From there, keep damaging the boss until it dies to complete Defiant Battleground: EDZ.

Destiny 2 is available now on Epic Games Store, PS4, PS5, Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.