
  • Some characters in Destiny 2 meet tragic ends, making returning Guardians nostalgic for those lost in the Light and Darkness saga.
  • Sacrifices from characters like Targe, Cayde-6, and Sagira enrich the emotional depth of Destiny 2's evolving storyline.
  • Characters like Amanda Holliday, Rasputin, and Lakshmi-2 also face tragic fates, adding layers to the complex universe of Destiny 2.

The story of Destiny 2 continues to evolve over the course of seasons, episodes, and expansions. With each new story that is brought to Destiny 2, some players might have had to say goodbye to some characters that they have met over the course of this 10-year journey. Not every character gets a happy ending, and for some, their stories are cut short, especially during the Light and Darkness saga where sacrifices and devotion were made to ensure the Guardians live one more day.

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Destiny 2's finale doesn't pull punches when it comes to providing an exciting story enriched with emotional complexion.

Whether characters didn’t deserve death or otherwise, Guardians who are returning to Destiny 2 after some years away might have missed a few things. It’s always a sad story to return to the Tower and realise that a few favorites aren’t coming home, but they can be fondly remembered.

7 Targe

Killed By The Witness


A steady rock to Zavala in these trying times, Targe was a Ghost that everyone needed. Headstrong, loyal, and mostly silent, offering advice when necessary, Targe was forever with Commander Zavala, in his brightest and darkest moments. Yet, Targe was taken too soon in sacrifice for Zavala, ensuring that his last act of heroism and bearing the Light would ensure the safety of his Guardian.

In Zavala's desire to learn more about the Witness, and in his frustration with the Traveler, he succumbed to Darkness momentarily. In this seduction by the Witness, Targe stepped in to bring Zavala back to his Fireteam. Targe was crushed mercilessly by the Witness for trying to save Zavala, and even though the Titan Vanguard is now Lightless, Targe’s memory burns bright.

6 The Witness

Killed And Unmade By The Guardians

Destiny 2 The Witness-1

The ultimate threat of the universe, the Witness started its war with the Traveler eons ago. The Witness was once the first known civilization gifted prosperity by the Traveler. Yet, in a conquest for purpose, the Witness species merged into one entity to master the Darkness and seek finality and an end to suffering, salvation to bring about the stillness of the universe that resulted in no life, but also no death.

The Witness’ attempt to craft the Final Shape required the Traveler, and within its Pale Heart, its origins and weakness were exposed. The Witness was destroyed and unmade by Guardians after cutting out resistors, veiled statues that would help break the billions of minds that made this entity. With the Witness unmade, it ceased to exist, providing an ultimate death to a thankful universe.

5 Amanda Holliday

Killed In A Shadow Legion Explosion

A Destiny 2 player shares the new memorial to the Vanguard's chief shipwright inside the Tower's Hanger.

Amanda Holliday was adored by all, and it seemed every Guardian that spent time in the Tower and the Last City would know of Amanda Holliday. This woman came to the Last City when she was a child. An orphan seeking a bright future in the stars, she managed to reach great heights and aided Guardians without the power of immortality provided by a Ghost or the Light.

Destiny 2: All Seasons In Chronological Order

Every season in Destiny 2 offers players new content in terms of the ongoing story, as well as experimental modes that create new fun.

Yet, this lack of immortality is what got her killed. During the Black Fleet’s invasion, and the rounding up of humans, Amanda aided the Guardian and Crow in rescuing humans. Sadly, there was a trap set by the Black Fleet, and Amanda was killed in an explosion, robbing the Last City of one of its best and most loved.

4 Cayde-6

Sacrificed His Light To Bring Back The Guardian’s Ghost

Cayde saying goodbye in Destiny 2 The Final Shape

The beloved Hunter Vanguard returned during the events of The Final Shape. Whilst Cayde-6 already had his final death, it’s impossible not to add him to the list, considering he has once again become one with the Light. Cayde-6’s return was met with triumph and intrigue. Was he the Traveler’s chosen to be resurrected once more? No, he was but a wish from Crow.

Cayde-6 may have come back, but it was brief enough to be the perfect resurrection. Cayde-6 loved being alive with his friends again, but he longed to return to the peacefulness of unity with the Light with his Ghost, Sundance. As such, Cayde-6 sacrificed his Light so that the Guardian’s Ghost could return. Although Cayde is dead, again, part of him lives on in Ghost.

3 Rasputin

Destroyed Himself To Stop The Warsat Network From Attacking The Traveler

A Guardian standing in front of Rasputin the Warmind

Rasputin was created during the Golden Age by BrayTech, and his own identity was forged through teachings, creating a sentient AI that would defend humanity on his own terms with no equal to stop him. Rasputin may have committed some atrocities in the past, but his focus will always be on ensuring humanity’s safety, especially as the Black Fleet approaches once again.

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It seemed that hope was returning to humanity, as Ana Bray was busy in building Rasputin an exo body. From here, Rasputin was going to be able to connect back to the Warsat Network, controlling the subminds and giving humanity back the arsenal that could defend it from destruction once more. Yet, Eramis managed to activate the Warsat arsenal to try and destroy the Traveler, so Rasputin activated its own self-destruct protocol to stop this attack, destroying himself as the last Warmind, but proving his heart as a machine.

2 Sagira

Sacrificed Herself To Stop Osiris From Being Killed By Xivu Arath’s High Celebrant

sagira's shell

The witty and loyal Ghost of the legendary Warlock Osiris, Sagira would join him for centuries of adventures. The duo were together, always, and always respective of each other. They made for a great team as they sought to uncover and foil many of the Vex’s plans. Yet, even immortality could not save them, as Sagira was struck down, robbing Osiris of a dear friend and the Light.

Sagira was killed by the High Celebrant of Xivu Arath, the Hive God of War. Sagira sacrificed herself to make sure that she was struck down instead of Osiris, and this left him without a Ghost. Sagira’s sacrifice shows the devotion Ghosts have to their Guardians, and Osiris is a walking reminder of the grief he feels for Sagira.

1 Lakshmi-2

Killed By The Vex After Opening A Portal For Them In The Last City

destiny 2 season of the splicer mithrax lakshmi 2 crow

Beginning her story in Destiny (2014), Lakshmi-2 is introduced as an Exo, a human from the Golden Age of humanity. She led the Future War Cult, providing a deep story in the lore. Yet, much of it came to ruin due to her prejudice and mistrust of the Eliksni people that developed further into Destiny 2.

Lakshmi-2 was no friend of the Eliksni and the Fallen, so when the House of Hope were invited to seek refuge in the Last City, Lakshmi-2 was one of the first to openly object to them. Lakshmi’s openness to xenophobia and her fear of a friendly Fallen house made her dangerous. Dangerous enough to open a portal for the Vex into the Last City in an attempt to drive out the Eliksni. Her efforts were for nothing, as Guardians, humanity, and Eliksni banded together to stop the Vex. With Lakshmi-2 dead, Future War Cult disbanded. Lakshmi’s story may not be over, as Guardians recently discovered she was a copy of Maya Sundaresh.

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Destiny 2

August 28, 2017