Crucible is one of the most exhilarating and most played activities in Destiny 2. With multiple Crucible modes and competitions like Iron Banner and Trials, it's safe to say that Crucible is a big part of this game. There's a total of 31 Crucible maps in Destiny 2. 20 of them are original Destiny 2 maps. The other 11 are from the original Destiny, which were either revamped or brought back.

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Some maps make players feel like they have a fair chance, but some make players feel like skipping to the next match. Out of the 20 original maps in Destiny 2, here are the 5 best Crucible maps and 5 maps that are dreadful to play on.

10 WORST: Retribution

Retribution Map Destiny 2

In Retribution, the narrow, circular hallway makes fighting a bit tough. The only open area in the map is the Deck, but fighting rarely occurs there. This structure keeps everyone either waiting for the enemy to appear or running in circles aimlessly. Also, this map is too confining and the circular shape makes finding enemies a nuisance. Either you end up chasing an enemy or you end up being chased. Instead of aiming down for enemies players end up peeking around corners because of the map's unusual shape. Usually, the map is played with one team holding down the Mid-ring and Deck area waiting for enemies to peek out.

9 BEST: Dead Cliffs

The Dead Cliffs Map Destiny 2

The Dead Cliffs is a fast-paced and versatile map. This map evenly distributes lanes for long-range weapons and rooms for close-range combat. Even though the map is not very large, it doesn't feel confined. The Dead Cliffs is a fluid map that pushes players to be on their toes and ready to go. The reason this isn't the top map is that players can get spawn trapped. Since the map is so open, you don't realize its small size until the enemy team pushes in and gathers a couple more kills of spawns.

8 WORST: Emperor's Respite

Emperor's Respite Destiny 2

Emperor’s Respite appears grand, but it's quite unimpressive. The map is open near the spawns but clutters in the center. There are sniper alleys and ways to flank opponents but it doesn't benefit anyone. If you spawn outside, you're at a big disadvantage since fights rarely occur indoors.

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However, the center of the map happens to be the most problematic. The center is split with a doorway where players only get a small view of the other side. Consequently, players end up wasting time camping and waiting for enemies to appear. Spawns take up a lot of space on the map that there is no balance. All the zones are ill-placed.

7 BEST: Javelin-4

Javelin 4 Map Destiny 2

Javelin-4 is a deceiving map because of its size. For a small map, it's easy to navigate and find targets. The size of Javelin-4 is its best quality since the entire area can be utilized. With multiple routes, players can try other paths when one doesn't work out. If your team is being mobbed by shotguns, you can opt for a more distant approach at the Rockwall or Deck area. You can use any part of the map to keep the match in your favor. The only problem with this map is that if you are not mobile, you can easily get cornered by the opposing team.

6 WORST: Legion's Gulch

Legion's Gulch Map Destiny 2

Legion's Gulch may have worked well if it didn’t have the fans that fly you to the Drill. The map is very segregated, and players can easily mess with spawns by hopping through the fans. The Drill area is only really used in Control, where flag B is, otherwise it is simply a means for flanking. However, using the Bridge between the Drill and Middle section is better for flanking since you are entering a fight zone and not the other team’s spawn. Too many players attempting to flank the other team leads to constant spawn flips which causes unnecessary confusion for all players.

5 BEST: Endless Vale

Endless Vale Map Destiny 2

Endless Vale essentially has 3 areas where the fighting occurs, which are: Shrine, Mid, and Temple. The temple is often used to flank, the Mid is used to snipe or head towards the Shrine. The Mid is occupied with snipers and lit up with grenades, but the other regions are just as active. The Shrine is an open area where mobile players will rush and attack or static players wait for enemies to come out of their spawn.

Although it may seem like a prime spot, other players can target those in the Shrine easily because of how open it is. This map doesn't make one region more advantageous than another.

4 WORST: Equinox

Equinox Map Destiny 2 (2)

From the get-go, leaving your spawn needs a lot of planning. The center of the map is quite large and open. If you have a sniper, bow, or scout rifle, you may have a fair chance of fighting. When you use any other weapon, you need to get clever and find ways to sneakily get out of your spawn and head towards the enemy team.

One way to avoid the open area is to go through the Center Room off to the side. The Center Room takes you straight to the other area or you can sneak to the center. However, someone is usually hiding there waiting for their victims. The best way to describe this map is that it's like first-come-first-serve. If you're not ready waiting for your enemy to appear, most likely someone on the opposing team is.

3 BEST: Wormhaven

Wormhaven Map Destiny 2

Wormhaven is a linear map with spacious rooms and narrow alleys which makes it suitable for all weapons. The curvature of the Overlook has players push back and forth to get the perfect angle for a shot or a grenade throw. The opponents caught up in the peek-a-booing in the Overlook might not realize that someone in the center Lobby can get a perfect shot on them.

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At times, enemies use the Overlook to stare into your spawn, thankfully there are many routes you can take to avoid engaging with them. These routes include the Terrace and the Lobby. These are other areas of the map where fighting takes place. If these areas are open, players may see it as an opportunity to invade the opposing teams spawn. This then leads to flipped spawns which occur often in this map.

2 WORST: Pacifica

Pacifica Map Destiny 2

The fighting mainly occurs in the center Red Bay region in Pacifica. Although this is a small part of the map, everyone heads here even though it gets quite chaotic and cramped. Attempting to go around the center is time-consuming since all the action is happening in one place. Dominating the inside isn't difficult. Once that area is dominated, it's hard to find a way to take down enemies. The match ends up being too repetitive since the center is where all the action happens.

1 BEST: Radiant Cliffs

Radiant Cliffs Map Destiny 2

Radiant Cliffs is a map that is active in all areas of the map. You can catch enemies around the map trying to snipe, rushing in with a shotgun, or trying to catch opponents off guard. This map has numerous areas where you can fight opponents without feeling like it's repetitive or cramped. Radiant Cliffs allows for players to use weapons they are comfortable using rather than what is required by the map. With multiple passageways, players can find enemies and return to their teammates if they need help. Having several areas for combat, hiding, and flanking, prevents spawns from being flipped often since players won't feel cornered.

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