Coup de Grace is a new quest in Destiny 2 that sends players to hunt the High Celebrant in the Dreaming City. While much of this mission is fairly straightforward, there are currently some bugs that are preventing certain fans from completing the quest. It is the intention of this guide to provide workarounds for these bugs, alongside a general quest walkthrough, which will hopefully help those Destiny 2 players that find themselves stuck during Coup de Grace.

To begin, this new Destiny 2 quest is initiated by speaking with the Crow in the Tangled Shore and obtaining the Improved Seeker 2 Lure Upgrade. Purchasing this Lure Upgrade requires a Reputation Rank of 7 with the Crow, and players should speak with Spider once they have it in hand. After this conversation is complete, fans should attach the Prey Mod: High Celebrant to their Cryptolith Lures, open their Directors, and initiate the Coup de Grace quest from the Dreaming City's map.

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At this point, Destiny 2 players should follow the onscreen objectives and waypoints until they are able to deploy the Lure at the Cryptolith. This will cause the High Celebrant to spawn, and fans can get some damage on it by dispatching the small green enemy that appears, standing on the circle that it leaves behind to receive the Wrathful buff, and firing upon the foe. Players will not be able to eliminate the High Celebrant at this point, though, and they will instead need to chase it by following a green trail through the Ascendant Plane.

In this chase, fans will need to shoot black orbs in order to teleport to different areas, and this is where the mission's primary bug can arise. Specifically, the black orbs will occasionally stop taking damage before they have teleported the player, and this will prevent any further progress. To get around this issue, players are advised to restart Coup de Grace from the Director and shoot the orbs at point blank range with a Destiny 2 shotgun.

After pursuing the High Celebrant for some time, fans will be forced into battle with a Wrathborn Ogre, and it should be easily dispatched. With this enemy slain, players should again deploy their Cryptolith Lure, as per the onscreen prompt, and climb the platforms that materialize on the right side of the bride. This ascent will ultimately lead fans through yet another portal and to an arena where they can now deal lethal damage to the High Celebrant using the aforementioned method.

To note, some players report that dealing damage too quickly to the High Celebrant in this final fight can cause the mission to become bugged, and it is thus advisable to take things slow and steady. It is also worth mentioning that The Fourth Mark ship that is listed as a reward for Coup de Grace is apparently a rare drop, and fans may need to complete the mission a number of times before they receive it. Fortunately, it seems that players can farm for this Destiny 2 ship by helping others complete Coup de Grace and are not locked to trying only once a week per character.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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