Rather than keep expanding the Destiny universe through sequels, developer Bungie wants to turn Destiny 2 into a single unified world. In order to achieve that and keep the file size of the game manageable, the studio will need to make some changes. Enter the Destiny Content Vault.

With the Destiny Content Vault, Bungie will be able to remove legacy content that doesn’t get as much attention from players. During the Destiny 2 Year 4 Reveal stream, director Luke Smith said that activities and destinations are on the list of potential Destiny Content Vault candidates, but he had no further announcements to make at this time.

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There are certainly portions of Destiny 2 that don’t get as much attention, but removing content is likely to have some growing pains. However, with Destiny 2 moving to a system where weapons lose their viability at higher power levels, the need to revisit activities like Reckoning and the Black Armory Forges will diminish.

At the same time, the Destiny Content Vault also opens up the possibility of bringing back Destiny 1 content, refurbished to fit the current game. For Season 12 and the Beyond Light expansion, Bungie plans to reintroduce the Cosmodrome patrol zone for existing players to experience, either for the first time or the 100th time.

Alongside the return of the destination, the three strikes connected to Earth will also make a return in either Season 12 or Season 13. Bungie only namedropped The Devil’s Lair strike for Season 12 - the one that features Sepkis Prime - but the Cosmodrome also included the Will of Crota (the one where players fight Omnigul) and Fallen S.A.B.E.R. (the one with the electrified hallway and giant Shank) strikes.

For a while now, Destiny players have been asking for Bungie to find ways to incorporate legacy content into Destiny 2 to give them more to do and explore. Unfortunately, packing more and more content into the game only bloats up the file size and hinders the development team in other ways. Destiny Content Vault will be the compromise to that issue, where Bungie can bring back legacy content like the Cosmodrome while also retiring existing content.

It also means that things like old raids can return to Destiny 2 for players to complete all over again. While he didn’t mention it during the reveal stream, Luke Smith did confirm that the very first Destiny raid, Vault of Glass, will return at some point during Destiny 2 Year 4.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light releases September 22, 2020 for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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