
  • Togetherness modifier, which forces players to stay close to each other, has unexpectedly returned to Destiny 2 after being removed.
  • Fans have requested the removal of Togetherness from PvE activities, and its return in the seasonal activity The Coil has disappointing for players.
  • Bungie is currently investigating the issue and there is no timeline for the permanent removal of Togetherness, so players will need to be patient.

Thanks to a newly discovered bug, the unpopular Togetherness modifier has seemingly returned into Destiny 2 after being removed just a couple of weeks ago. The Togetherness activity modifier is one of the more unpopular ones, as it forces players to stay close to one another so health and shields can regenerate. In certain activities, especially the harder content, Togetherness adds another layer of challenge and eliminates numerous strategies by forcing players to stick together rather than utilizing the map or taking on specific roles to get through challenging encounters.

While fans continue to request Togetherness be removed entirely from PvE activities, Bungie recently removed the unpopular modifier from The Coil, a seasonal activity that has quickly become popular with many players. Considering the length of time that The Coil activity can take, up to 45 minutes for most runs, as well as the increasing difficulty the longer players go, removing Togetherness and its artificial way of adding challenge was viewed as a big win by Destiny 2 players. Unfortunately, it seems as though the modifier doesn't want to stay gone, as Bungie confirmed that it has unexpectedly returned when queuing up The Coil.

Bungie Reveals Two Major Fan Requested Features Coming Soon to Destiny 2

Bungie reveals plans to bring two highly requested features to Destiny 2, with one feature set to arrive inside of an imminent update.

In a new post on the official Bungie Help Twitter account, the studio has acknowledged the accidental return of Togetherness. Following the release of Update into Destiny 2, the patch has seemingly undone the previous change that removed Togetherness from The Coil entirely. Unfortunately, there isn't a timeline in place to remove it, as Bungie confirmed it is in the investigation stage of dealing with this issue, so players will want to stay patient until something permanent can be released.

While the return of Togetherness obviously isn't ideal for many players, it has sparked a lot of jokes within the community. Namely, many players have compared Togetherness to the exotic fusion rifle Telesto, a weapon which has been the source of many issues within Destiny 2 over the years. Telesto has introduced plenty of bugs into Destiny 2, to the point where Bungie even embraced the weapon's legacy by having the weapon become sentient for a limited time by taking over the game's Twitter account for a bit of fun with fans.

While not nearly as game impacting as Togetherness popping up again, Destiny 2 fans have pointed out a big visual issue that has been continuing to happen in The Dreaming City. In certain locations, including the transition between zones like Divalian Mists into Spine of Keres, the skybox seemingly loses the intricate details, going to a more plain looking blue sky. Apparently, these visual issues have been happening for quite some time, with many fans linking them to the launch of Beyond Light, which introduced a number of lighting changes to Destiny 2's engine.