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Guardian Games is the first holiday event for Year 6 of Destiny 2. Inspired by the Olympics, player classes compete to score the most points by turning in special Medallions earned by completing activities and Contender Cards sold by Eva Levante in the Tower. Whichever class wins the most days during this special three week event will be declared the winner.

Aside from bragging rights, players can get all sorts of great rewards from participating in Guardian Games. In fact, this event is a great way to get upgrade materials and Masterworked Guardian Games weapons. If Destiny 2 players do well enough, they may also notice that they have a buff called Best in Tower when they go to the Tower to turn in Medallions.

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Best in Tower Buff Explained


Best in Tower is a special, but temporary buff that players can obtain while they are at the Tower during Guardian Games. If a player has the buff, they will have a soft gold aura on their character that almost looks like a spotlight. This buff appeared in Guardian Games 2022, and has made its return for this year as well. If a player has the Best in Tower buff, it means that they have the highest Guardian Games score in the entire Tower at present.

If another player loads in and has a higher Guardian Games score, they will get the buff and the player who had it previously will lose it. Regardless for how long they have it, Destiny 2 players will lose the Best in Tower buff once they leave the Tower. But if they come back to the Tower and have the highest Guardian Games score, they will regain the Best in Tower buff.

While there are some Guardian Games buffs that provide benefits for players, the Best in Tower buff does not. This special buff is purely cosmetic and does not help players in terms of gameplay. Essentially, having the Best in Tower buff is purely meant for bragging rights and taking some screenshots of it while players still have it. There are no Triumphs associated with getting Best in Tower either, and it is not required for obtaining the Champ title.

How to Get the Best in Tower Buff


With what the Best in Tower buff explained, here is how players can obtain it. Guardian Games score refers to the current best score that a player has from the Guardian Games Competitive playlist. In this playlist, players will have to complete a special version of a Nightfall Strike that has a large amount of active modifiers and Champions. Getting kills and earning Vanguard Medals (for killing sprees with certain weapons, damage types, killing Champions, etc) will earn points. The total of points that players have at the end of the activity is their Guardian Games score.

If Destiny 2 players want to get the Best in Tower buff, they will want to aim for the Gold or Platinum Threshold for score (150,000 and 175,000 respectively). That way, when they load into the Tower they will have a much more likely chance of loading in and getting the Best in Tower buff while they are turning in their Medallions at the podium.

Destiny 2 is available now on Epic Games Store, PS4, PS5, Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.