
  • Hunters excel in Destiny 2 due to powerful Exotic Armor, offering tactical advantages in PvE or PvP gameplay.
  • Star-Eater Scales boost Super energy and damage with Orbs of Power, ideal for hunters planning to face tough bosses.
  • Assassin's Cowl empowers high-damage melee builds, offering health and invisibility after each melee final blow.

There is a good reason why Hunters are the most popular class in Destiny 2, and their plethora of Exotic Armor potential certainly adds to those reasons. The best Hunters in Destiny 2 will often utilize the Exotic Armor in their arsenal to craft some of the strongest builds capable of taking on the hardest of content in the PvE endgame, or just for those who want a tactical edge over the competition for PvP.

Destiny 2: 8 Rarest Titles

Guardians can flex on friends and strangers alike by displaying some of the rarest titles achieved in Destiny 2.

The best Hunter Exotics in Destiny 2 will allow players to truly synergize with their builds, becoming lone wolves capable of survival and high-damage, or players who have the support of their team in mind. If players want to be a shining example of a Guardian, then these are the Hunter Exotics to aim for that would make Cayde-6 proud.

10 Star-Eater Scales

Overcharge Super Abilities By Picking Up Orbs Of Power

star-eater scales
  • Armor Type: Leg Armor
  • How To Get: Lost Sectors and Exotic Armor Focusing
  • Armor Perk: Feast of Light - You gain additional Super energy from Orbs of Power you pick up. While your Super energy is full, picking up an Orb of Power overcharges your Super, causing you to gain a burst of healing when cast and a bonus to your Super damage. At maximum overcharge, you also gain an overshield.

Star-Eater Scales work great as a passive Exotic where players do not have to do much work. All players have to do with this Exotic is to collect Orbs of Power, and when their Super is full, they can continue collecting these Orbs to overcharge their Exotic, allowing it to deal a lot more damage. It's great for building up for when it's time to use it against a boss.

9 Cyrtarachne's Facade

Receive Woven Mail On Grapple Use And Increase Flinch Resistance

Cyrtarachne's Facade
  • Armor Type: Helmet
  • How To Get: Lost Sectors and Exotic Armor Focusing
  • Armor Perk: Acrobat's Focus - Gain Woven Mail when activating grapple. Increased flinch resistance while Woven Mail is active.

For those with a desire to use Strand, Cyrtarachne's Facade is going to be of great help. This Exotic will provide players with easier access to Woven Mail, the elemental pickup from the Strand Subclass that significantly increases damage resistance for a time. With this active, players can also use their weapons more efficiently, hitting precision shots they would otherwise miss if it was not for the desirable flinch resistance they obtain with this Exotic's Woven Mail bonus.

8 Relativism

Create 64 Combinations Of Exotic Traits

hunter exotic class item relativism
  • Armor Type: Class Item
  • How To Get: Complete Dual Destinies / Open Pale Heart chests
  • Armor Perk: 16 Exotic Perks that can be combined in 2 columns

The Final Shape provides a new challenge to players, and those who have braved the gauntlet of Dual Destinies will have earned themselves Relativism, an Exotic Class Item that will see the Hunter class further their potential with Prismatic. Relativism is a great Exotic that can combine other Exotic traits, allowing players to essentially wield two Exotics in one. However, random rolls make it hard to seek a singular goal, but some Relativism rolls will have players become gods depending on the preference of playstyle.

7 Assassin's Cowl

Restore Health And Become Invisible With Each Powered Melee Final Blow

assassin's cowl
  • Armor Type: Helmet
  • How To Get: Random Exotic Engram Drop
  • Armor Perk: Vanishing Execution - Powered melee final blows grant invisibility and restore a portion of health and shields. Finishers and final blows against more powerful targets increase the duration of the invisibility and the amount of health and shields restored.
Destiny 2: 6 Sunset Raids Still Not In The Game

Some of the best raids that Guardians have experienced have still not been re-added to Destiny 2, bringing hope that one day that will change.

For Hunters who want to unlock their inner Titan by punching everything, Assassin's Cowl is definitely for them. This Exotic synergizes wonderfully with high-damage melee builds, as players are able to go target-to-target, hitting them with a furious amount of damage, just to re-enter into invisibility and do it all over again. The fact that these punches and finishers will provide health and shield, makes this viable for Hunters who seek immortality.

6 Celestial Nighthawk

Turns Golden Gun Into A Single High-Damage Shot

celestial nighthawk
  • Armor Type: Helmet
  • How To Get: Random Exotic Engram Drop
  • Armor Perk: Hawkeye Hack - Precision final blows reduce the cooldown of your Super. Modifies Golden Gun to fire a single, high-damage shot. Targets defeated by that shot give you Super energy and explode.

Celestial Nighthawk is easily one of the best Exotics for Hunters purely for its damage potential when it comes to endgame bosses. Every Raid needs a Hunter, and with 6 of them, players can destroy foes like the Witness with ease thanks to the harnessed potential of a precision hit from a single Golden Gun shot. Even better, is that Celestial Nighthawk does the same thing to the Exotic Sniper Rifle, Still Hunt. This Exotic also encourages precision hits, as it will increase their Super energy to provide consistent and hard-hitting Golden Gun chances.

5 Renewal Grasps

Greater Effects From Duskfield Grenades And Earn Frost Armor

renewal grasps
  • Armor Type: Gauntlets
  • How To Get: Lost Sectors and Exotic Armor Focusing
  • Armor Perk: Depths of Duskfield - Your Duskfield grenades have a much larger effect radius. Allies inside the Duskfield gain Frost Armor and targets inside the area deal reduced damage.

Duskfield Grenades are great for slowing and freezing targets. Now, with Renewal Grasps, they can see further increases in these grenades, since the enemies stuck within will deal reduced damage, and players who are inside the grenade are granted Frost Armor. Frost Armor is a recent addition with The Final Shape that gives players further damage resistance, so being able to throw these grenades for allies makes the Renewal Grasps worth using.

4 Omnioculus

Have 2 Smoke Bombs And Earn Damage Resistance When Invisible

  • Armor Type: Chest Armor
  • How To Get: Lost Sectors and Exotic Armor Focusing
  • Armor Perk: Beyond the Veil - You gain a second Smoke Bomb charge and have damage resistance while invisible. When you make an ally invisible, they gain damage resistance while invisible and you gain melee energy.

Omnioculus can be a lifesaver. This Exotic will provide players with a second Smoke Bomb which they can use to make themselves invisible. This is essential in endgame content where one rogue hit can cause death, and potentially a team wipe to return to Orbit. Being invisible, and with a bonus to damage resistance, players will be able to support themselves and their team in staying alive against the most challenging content.

3 Gyrfalcon's Hauberk

Void Weapons Gain Volatile Rounds After Emerging From Invisibility

Gyrfalcon's Hauberk
  • Armor Type: Chest Armor
  • How To Get: Lost Sectors and Exotic Armor Focusing
  • Armor Perk: See Me, Feel Me - Your Void weapons gain Volatile Rounds after you emerge from being invisible. When you are invisible and defeat a combatant while using a finisher, all of your weapons gain bonus damage; you and your nearby allies gain a reserve overshield and improved class ability regeneration. These reserve overshields can be deployed by using a classic ability.
Destiny 2: Best Farming Spots For Catalysts

Players can find numerous locations and activities in Destiny 2 that will aid them in leveling up their weapons and Catalysts.

Gyrfalcon's Hauberk does a great many things, but most important is the bonus damage and Volatile Rounds granted to weapons through invisibility. If players synergize invisibility and finishers right, not only are they given better damage output, but they are provided with overshields that can be kept in the reserves, allowing for better survivability in endgame content.

2 Lair's Handshake

Punch Things With Arc To Gain Stronger Melee And Health

liar's handshake
  • Armor Type: Gauntlets
  • How To Get: Random Exotic Engram Drop
  • Armor Perk: Cross Counter - Using your Arc melee ability or being hit by a melee attack will allow you to follow up with an extremely powerful melee counterpunch that will heal you.

Melee builds have become a decent craze for Hunters, and Liar's Handshake continues that trend. Whilst Arc isn't the best Subclass in Destiny 2, the allowance for an Arc melee ability with Prismatic allows players to further the potential of their builds, and it certainly holds a place for Liar's Handshake. Players can use this Exotic to punch things, earn a more powerful punch ability, and heal from every hit.

1 Triton Vice

Increase Glaive Reload Speed And Melee Damage

triton vice
  • Armor Type: Gauntlets
  • How To Get: Lost Sectors and Exotic Armor Focusing
  • Armor Perk: Halberdier's Reach - Increases Glaive reload speed and melee damage when surrounded. Glaive melee final blows overflow a round to the magazine. Glaive projectile final blows detonate in an explosion.

Glaives are an extremely underrated weapon type in Destiny 2, and Triton Vice enhances their capabilities, turning them into some of the best weapons that players can get their hands on. Thanks to Triton Vice's Exotic perk, players will essentially increase the stats of their Glaive when surrounded, and they can easily hit their foes and make them explode without a care in the world for their own safety.

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Destiny 2

August 28, 2017