A new enemy faction swarms into Destiny 2, as loyal followers are conquered by the Witness. Found within the Traveler’s Pale Heart, the Dread will overwhelm and destroy Guardians with hope, seeking to bring about the safety of reality itself. The Dread is entirely loyal to the Witness, and as Destiny 2’s new enemy faction since the Scorn in Forsaken, there’s a whole bunch of new tricks to learn.

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There are over 5 new enemy types thanks to the release of the Dread, and some players might find them a tad intimidating and challenging since they don’t just utilize rifles. Whether it’s harnessing Darkness powers or even flying, the Dread are enemies that Guardians should learn how to beat if they are to stop the Witness.

7 Tormentor

Void Scythe Wielding Mini-Bosses With Only One Weakness


The first Dread enemy that players faced was back in Lightfall, and those were the Tormentors. Tormentors are hulking monstrosities, commanded by the Witness to commit grand evil. Tormentors are huge in size, and they wield giant scythes that they use to suppress player abilities and hit them to cause further damage.

Tormentors utilize void in their move set, and they will often sling void blasts towards Guardians, or even unleash a floating orb of Void power that will periodically seek out Guardians. When encountering a Tormentor, players will need to shoot their glowing shoulders, as this critical hit spot is the only way to effectively deal damage. When enough damage is dealt with, Tormentors enter a more erratic state, and the only way to eliminate them is by shooting their chest.

In this erratic state, Tormentors are more likely to chase down players and attempt to grab them to perform an attack that suppresses their power and can potentially kill them. When fighting a Tormentor, it’s important to know that explosive weapons are pointless here, and players should rely on linear fusion rifles and other hard-hitting weapons in kinetic slots that can deal fast or hard damage without requiring players to get too close.

6 Grim

Flying Bats With Guns And Suppressive Screams

grim dread enemy

The Gun-Bat, Grim are a vile race of creatures and Destiny 2’s first flying enemy. Grim can fly upwards pretty high, and with their wings, they are able to evade and swoop around players, shooting them with their Solar Transitory Lance rifles. These rifles do shoot out rather slowly, so players on the move can try and evade them, but the Grim swarm easily with their overwhelming numbers, so dodging all of these bullets is going to be a hard task.

One of the main things to look out for when encountering Grim is the scream, which will provide players with the Tinnitus debuff. With this debuff in place, players will be slowed, causing their movement to drastically decrease for a few seconds. On top of that, they are also suppressed, meaning they cannot use any of their abilities. To hit the crit spot, players want to aim for the glowing eye of their head, which can be hard to see when Grim constantly flaps their expansive wings, but body shots still do decent damage.

The best way to fight the Grim is to constantly stay on the move, and to watch out for their screaming projectile. Since Girm are rather far away due to their advantage in the air, it’s best if players keep a distance, and utilize kinetic weapons like scout rifles and pulse rifles to take them out, instead of getting swarmed by staying too close.

5 Husk

Violent Melee Brawlers With A Post-Mortem Surprise

husk dread enemy

The Husk is a melee bruiser-type character, who has two blades affixed to its arms. These enemies have one goal in mind, and that’s to chase down players and hit them until they are dead. The Husk are highly aggressive, and these sharp melee weapons will see them charge in to attack, when facing a group of them, solo players can easily get overwhelmed, especially when killing them in the wrong way will see further danger.

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If players eliminate a Husk enemy without the final blow being from a critical hit, then the Husk will crumble its shell, unleashing a Giest, which will seek out players with expert tracking to explode upon impact. So, if players kill a Husk wrong, be prepared to shoot the Giest that appears, otherwise, players might die.

Husks are one of the harder enemies from the Dread faction, and the easiest way to counter them is to kill them the right way, which is by hitting the crit spot located on their head, and not their chest, which cages the Giest. Since Husk enemies are melee brawlers, try and avoid them with air control, and try to avoid weapons with spread, as players are going to need to try and keep precision shots at the ready to kill the Husk, and then potentially the Giest.

4 Omen

Cunning Stasis Mini-Bosses

omen dread enemy

Omen enemies are much like Tormentors in the sense that they are mini-boss enemies rather than common spawns that will act as fodder for bullets. Omen seems respectful, as every time they spawn into the game, they will bow to the Guardians before they unleash their devastating potential in servitude to the Witness.

Omen play a lot more strategically than other enemy types, and they will often seek out high ground, and utilize Stasis attacks that will seek out players to do vast amounts of damage and potentially freeze them. When dealing with an Omen, it’s best to have some cover, as their staff attacks can be lethal. Omen rarely go in for melee strikes, but it’s not wise to get close due to their large pool of health and damage potential, so keep back and use Heavy Weapons to make short work of them.

Unlike Tormentors, Omen can take damage from any source, regardless of crit spots. This means that although players can deal more damage by focusing on their glowing heads, they can still do decent damage by shooting the body or anywhere else, meaning explosive weapons are back on the cards, whereas, for Tormentors, they are not.

3 Harbinger

Ruthless Strand Mini-Bosses

harbinger dread enemy

Harbingers are much like Omen, but instead of Stasis, they utilize Strand. This allows them to be far more aggressive with their staff, which they will use to shoot out suspending snares to keep players as a sitting duck for other enemies to shoot at. Harbingers can also use their staff to shoot projectiles that deal heaps of damage.

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The best way to counter a Harbinger is to keep to cover, trying to avoid their line of sight, and shooting them when there’s a window of opportunity will benefit Guardians, as their projectiles will track and will definitely kill players who are on Legendary difficulty.

Since Harbingers are mainly mini-boss enemies, the best way to get rid of them is to save Heavy Weapon Ammo and even to use Supers on them, as deleting their health as fast as possible stops their aggressive play and synergy with other Dread enemies.

2 Weaver

Strand Wielding Psions

weaver dread enemy

Weavers are mean and green, and the Witness has reshaped these Psions, providing them with the power to harness the Darkness itself. Weavers are a Strand-type enemy, and they are quite a common find since they will usually spawn in abundance. Whilst Weaver enemies may look small, and their health makes them a common add to kill, it’s their abilities that can truly make them stand out as fierce opponents.

Players can handle one Weaver, but multiple? They may just struggle. The ability of Weavers is to use Strand to ensnare the player like they’ve been caught in a rubber band. When hit by this Strand ability, players will be pulled towards the Weaver. When multiple Weavers are at play, Guardians might be pulled in different directions constantly, throwing them off their goal and overwhelming them.

With Weavers harnessing Strand, it’s best that players avoid these attacks by looking out for the enemies in the middle of using an ability. Alternatively, players can just shoot them in the body or the head to get them down fast, but it’s always best to watch out for the Strand-pull and use airborne moves to jump over it, or stick to cover so that it hits the wall and not the player.

1 Attendant

Stasis Wielding Psions

attendant dread enemy

Another variant of the Witness’ Darkness enhanced Psions, the Attendant utilizes Stasis, noted by their blue coloring. Attendants are usually seen with Weavers, so the fact players can be pulled with Strand and frozen with Stasis at the same time can provide some truly wild moments, easily overwhelming Guardians who aren’t expecting such an influx of chaos.

Attendants do not run around too much and will act like sentries, focusing on targets to shoot them with their rifles and rely on their numbers to take players out. Their true strength comes from their Stasis abilities, as players will need to watch out for the quick charge of Stasis before they throw it out, which can slow players and even freeze them if they remain in the field for too long.

Any weapon works great against Attendant enemies, as they are just common fodder, so try not to waste Power Ammo, and instead, utilize kinetic and energy weapons. Something fast and explosive, like a hand cannon with the right perks, or an auto rifle can easily do the trick.

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Destiny 2

August 28, 2017