Bungie is bound to continue changing and modifying the many new gameplay features that have been introduced to Destiny 2 with the Lightfall DLC, and the Commendations system, in particular, is due to receive another pass in the coming weeks. In just a short amount of time, Bungie has iterated upon Commendations to a substantial extent, almost wholly pivoting on its importance for progression.

While major changes to Destiny 2's difficulty and Commendations have already been outlined, more of them are already on the way. A new Bungie blog post dedicated to the topic of Lightfall's failures explained that a complete retuning of Commendations had to happen and that a very specific player recommendation from a while back is set to make an appearance in the next update.

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Destiny 2 players have been asking for a specific fashion-minded Commendation ever since the system was first introduced to the game. Specifically, whereas the majority of Commendations focus either on a player's helpfulness or expertise, the community also felt that a specific "Best Dressed" Commendation was necessary. Now, Bungie has promised that this very Commendation will be made available "in the coming weeks," meaning that it shouldn't be too long of a wait in the grand scheme of things.

Fashion is hugely important in Destiny 2, as it's an easy and rewarding way for players to differentiate themselves from one another and leave a good impression. By leaving this element out of the Commendation system, Bungie failed to recognize a massively important aspect of the community. This isn't too big of a deal, however, as the studio has recently been quick to react to player requests, which hasn't always been the case in the past.

Even though Lightfall has its fair share of problems, Destiny 2 is doing remarkably well on PC. Even the more positively reviewed Witch Queen DLC didn't manage to attract the same sort of attention, which suggests that Bungie is broadly on the right track when it comes to long-term player retention and other such matters. It remains to be seen whether this pans out, of course, but it's a good showing for the time being.

Commendations, specifically, may be one of the fastest examples of Bungie iterating upon a new gameplay feature the game has ever had. Early in March, players had to farm Commendations in Destiny 2, and now, following ample feedback, the feature has been all but completely pushed back in lieu of other challenges. Odds are that the system will receive further optimizations in the coming months, but it doesn't seem to be a big concern at this time.

Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Bungie