For months now, Bluepoint Games has teased a variety of remakes it could be working on. The Shadow of Colossus Remake developer has itself teased games like Demon's Souls and Legend of Dragoon, while the rumor mill has spit out other possibilities like Jak & Daxter, Legacy of Kain, and the possibility of there being two remakes. Now, the developer known for its high-quality remakes has confirmed the Demon's Souls Remake.

In a new trailer showing off Demon's Souls' environment, villains, graphics, and more, Bluepoint Games has giving players their first glimpse at the remake. The confirmation that it exists is likely enough for several fans of the From Software game, and that's about all they got. Aside from this confirmation, Bluepoint Games neglects to mention information like the release date.

RELATED: What Happened to the Legend of Dragoon Remake?

Inviting players to take on the "original brutal challenge, completely rebuilt from the ground up," it appears that Demon's Souls will be coming back to establish itself, a game that initiated the Souls-like formula but was quickly overshadowed by its successor, Dark Souls. The game will also feature a new Fractured Mode, although details are sparse.

Finally, alongside the shadow effects and ray tracing, Demon's Souls has two graphic modes: one focused on frame rate, the other on fidelity. This will allow players to take on the challenge in their own way on PS5.

Demon's Souls Remake is in development.

MORE: Bluepoint Says Next Remake Will Be Proudest Achievement