The PlayStation 5 has been officially announced, and with it, there has been some unexpected news that has led many to the conclusion that Demon's Souls will be remade and released on the console. Although it is yet to be confirmed, many will hope that the signs pointing to the remake are true.

Demon's Souls was a cult hit when it was released in the west in 2009. The spiritual father of the Dark Souls series, it was filled with death and soul collecting, and it frustrated players who couldn't turn away. Since the original release, there has been plenty of rumors about the game returning one day. There is now evidence that suggests Bluepoint Games, the studio responsible for the Shadow of Colossus remake, the Nathan Drake Collection, and the Gravity Rush remaster, are working on the project.

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President of Bluepoint Games, Marco Thrush, stated "We're working on a big one right now" for PlayStation 5 adding "I'll let you figure out the rest." With that in mind, the gaming community has been drawing conclusions and there is a reasonable amount of evidence that points towards a Demon's Souls remake. Firstly, director of the Demon Souls, Hidetaka Miyazaki, has said a remake "could happen" with another developer. On top of this, Bluepoint Games has been teasing a new remaster since last year.

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If Dark Souls improved gaming for everyone, as some suggest, then Demon's Souls certainly laid down the groundwork. The game has been remembered fondly since its PlayStation 3 release and many expected to see a version for the following generation.

Perhaps the biggest indication that this remake is on the cards stems from the rumour that Demon's Souls remake would be announced for PlayStation 4. The host of Sacred Symbols podcast, Colin Moriarty, expressed his surprise at a missing title at Sony's State of Play 2019, "There was one game in particular, a remaster coming out for PlayStation 4, that I thought they were going to announce today, but they didn't. I don't know what they are waiting for with that one. Let's just say the soul still burns with that one." With those comments in mind, it would be logical to assume that the game he was expecting was not revealed in favor of being announced as a next-generation game.

Many will question what Bluepoint Games could work on that is bigger than Demon's Souls. Fans will be hoping for concrete details soon, yet with the comments alluding to a Demon's Souls remake mounting it is surely only a matter of time. There is no doubt that many will want to die hundreds of times and if they make it through to defeat the Old One again.

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Source: Gamingbolt