
  • Demon's Souls Remake paved the way for the Dark Souls franchise.
  • Fans may want to check out the upgraded version of Demon's Souls Remake to experience the game before Elden Ring's DLC.
  • Mastering different weapons in Demon's Souls Remake requires understanding their unique mechanics and learning proper timing and distance to maximize damage.

As Elden Ring fans eagerly await the release of the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, Soulsborne enthusiasts and newcomers should consider giving the Demon’s Souls Remake a shot. Considered the spiritual successor to FromSoftware’s difficult King’s Field games, Demon’s Souls' introduction of difficult action RPG combat and engaging gameplay mechanics paved the way for not just the Dark Souls franchise, but also its consideration as one of the best games ever created.

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And while the original 2009 version of Demon’s Souls remains playable, fans may want to consider checking out the upgraded Demon’s Souls Remake to check the status of Soulsborne games prior to Elder Ring. Moreover, completionists among Soulslike fans may want to see exactly which weapons in the game are the most difficult to master, especially when beating the hardest bosses with them can bring a deeper sense of accomplishment.

10 Axe

Short Range And Slow Attack Opens Room For Error


Why Are They Hard To Use?

Slow Attack Speed up close can leave a lot of room for punishment of players

How To Make Them Easier To Handle?

Raising Strength and Endurance on top of proper timing and distance can maximize damage

While similar in combat style to the Hammer, mastering the Axe can become more rewarding in Demon’s Souls Remake gameplay when it comes to the benefits accrued in the process. Similar to the Greatsword, the Axe packs a lot of punch for its slow Attack Speed. Unfortunately, its reliance on short-ranged combat leaves players vulnerable to counters should they miss.

However, mastering the Axe has to do with learning not just timing but also proper distancing. Using their nature of having long handles and short blades, Axes have an optimal distance of attack that lets players attack with relative ease and still have room to dodge. When used with Master’s Ring, learning to attack at this distance at the right time can further improve a player’s overall damage.

9 Hammer

Defense-Breaking Potential Hindered By Slow Attack, Subpar Range


Why Are They Hard To Use?

While blunt attacks are great for breaking through defense, Hammers lack the attack range and speed to make a meaningful difference quickly enough

How To Make Them Easier To Handle?

Improve Strength and Dexterity to boost damage, which players can improve further by identifying the right sweet spot range for attacks

Similar to its Axe cousin, the Hammer in a player’s Demon’s Souls Remake gameplay relies heavily on slow but heavy-hitting attacks. While these do guarantee high damage and help the Hammer’s potential to break past defenses shine, the weapon’s overall lack of Attack Speed can hinder fast-paced attempts to debilitate enemy lines quickly.

Similar to the Axe, Hammer users need to maximize the weapon’s sweet spot distance to secure higher damage instead of attacking on the regular. In turn, using the Master’s Ring can once again improve the Hammer’s versatility, especially when used with the right defensive tactics. The Hammer’s Two-Handed combat style can potentially stunlock opponents, making the Hammer more punishing when used properly.

8 Katana

High Crit At The Risk Of Low Durability And Skill Ceiling


Why Are They Hard To Use?

Precision movement with their slash and thrust combos for high Crit introduces new combo styles

How To Make Them Easier To Handle?

Focusing on Dexterity and Endurance in conjunction with parry-based counters can outpace foes

Players who want a sleek slayer aesthetic like Devil May Cry’s Vergil will appreciate the slender Katana. Characterized as a mid-to-long-ranged weapon, the Katana’s reliance on a more dynamic blend of thrusting and slashing attacks can take getting used to, especially for players who rely on more straightforward combat strategies. Against Scraping Spear and Acid Cloud, a powerful Katana can become rather useless.

However, players can capitalize on the Katana’s high damage output and high Critical Hit rate with the right build. Focusing on Dexterity and Endurance should give players enough juice to rely on parry-based counters, hitting opponents from behind or after their attacks while giving them little time to punish.

7 Curved Sword

Quick Attacks Become Rigid With Lack Of Versatility

Curved Blade

Why Are They Hard To Use?

Fast attacks offset by low damage and limited moves

How To Make Them Easier To Handle?

Boost Dexterity for overall damage, while learning how to adapt to enemies with each attack can offset combo limitations

While the Curved Sword boasts decent Attack Speed among its cousins in the Sword family in a player’s Demon’s Souls Remake gameplay, their capacity to multi-hit with the Bleed effect is dampened by a limited moveset. The lack of versatility in this regard can be highlighted with the infamous Up + R1 that does a half-swing before a jumping back, which can be lackluster in plays against fast-paced opponents.

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On top of boosting Dexterity to increase damage, players can maximize the Curved Sword by understanding how to use its limited moveset in specific situations. For instance, the aforementioned Up + R1 swing-jump is useful when backstepping away from a lethal ledge. Likewise, the attack can’t be parried and generates hyper armor in PvP, making it useful against aggressive players, though it’s not as useful in PVE.

6 Polearm

Clunky Movement Offsets Multi-Hit Potential


Why Are They Hard To Use?

Janky combo patterns with the Polearm can offset benefits from its long-distance multi-hit swings and thrusts

How To Make Them Easier To Handle?

Strength and Dexterity can maximize overall damage potential, while switching to using the weapon Two-Handed can facilitate much faster attacks

Considered the AOE counterpart of the Spear, the Polearm in Demon’s Souls Remake can facilitate safety at a distance while still giving players room to hit multiple foes at once. Against basic mobs in Demon’s Souls side quests, this should theoretically give players more opportunities to swing and thrust at many opponents with little room for punishment. Unfortunately, the clunky combos of using a Polearm and an off-hand item like a Shield can quickly mess with players when fighting faster opponents.

To offset such a disadvantage, it’s advised for players to ditch the Off-Hand and use the Polearm in a Two-Handed stance. Despite the trade-off in defense, the smoother combo animations when Two-Handed lets players become more consistent and intentional with Polearm swings, thrusts, and extremely important parries.

5 Spear

Narrow Attack Space Leaves Little Room For Wider Hits

Spear in Demons Souls Remake

Why Are They Hard To Use?

Reliance on forward-facing hits means having a very narrow attack range, limiting moveset against multiple opponents

How To Make Them Easier To Handle?

Boosting Dexterity, Strength, and Endurance while training on defensive tactics can make the Spear a more punishing weapon

Players who want to keep their distance against heavy-hitting foes of Demon’s Souls Remake will appreciate the Spear. Not only does it maintain distance for players, but its nature as a melee weapon ensures enemies get hit without wasting ammunition. Unfortunately, the weapon does possess a narrow attack range and limited combo options, forcing players to rely on timing to secure the right attacks. This makes the weapon more passive than active, which can throw off aggressive players.

However, capitalizing on the Spear’s passive nature may lead players to victory. Focusing on Dexterity, Strength, and Endurance ensures players can deal high-enough damage with the Spear should opportunities arise. In turn, players should use the Spear in conjunction with Shields to master parries and dodges, as these opportunities give gamers the best chances of hitting foes with punishing blows.

4 Bow

Ranged Specialty Can Become A Liability When Aiming


Why Are They Hard To Use?

Aiming with the Bow can become a nuisance in the movement-heavy gameplay, leaving players vulnerable if not used to the motion

How To Make Them Easier To Handle?

High Dexterity, Strength, and Endurance should secure high enough damage and Attack Speed on top of movement practice

With many Soulslike games heavily relying on players not getting hit by attacks, the Bow is a player’s best friend at long distances in Demon’s Souls Remake. Unfortunately, the game’s main mechanic of precise aiming to secure attacks can leave newcomers extremely vulnerable to counters, especially since this leaves their character open for punishment. Not only that, using a Bow in the early game can make Ammunition extremely expensive, forcing players to save Ammo like in Resident Evil and other survival horror titles.

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However, Bows scaling in Dexterity and Strength means high enough stats can make each arrow hit opponents harder. Moreover, being tactical about arrow types can give players room to attack enemies with elemental weaknesses, enabling them to conserve ammo. Practicing quick aim and immediate parrying can also bypass the weapon’s need for precise but slow attacks.

3 Greatsword

Timing-Reliant Damage, Stagger At Risk Against Punishments


Why Are They Hard To Use?

Slow Attack Speed and high Stamina consumption forces players to rely on timing to deal damage

How To Make Them Easier To Handle?

Focusing on Strength and Endurance alongside proper timing can offset slow speed with powerful attack and defense

Similar to their counterpart among Monster Hunter weapons, the gigantic Greatsword in Demon’s Souls Remake boasts high overall damage and immense stagger potential at the cost of ridiculously slow Attack Speed and high Stamina consumption. In the wrong hands, players can miss all their Greatsword swings and not have enough juice to dodge crucial counter-attacks. Hitting walls in enclosed spaces can interrupt Greatsword players, while open areas leave too much room for enemies to dodge.

Players who want to master the Greatsword need an Item like the Ring of Giant Strength to boost their weight limit in order to wear tougher Armor and boost overall defense. Afterward, players need to adjust to a gaming loop that relies on backing up to a more open area and luring enemies toward them. Players then follow up with a swing or a running attack that usually knocks foes back, followed up by an overhead swing or an area sweep as a combo finisher before retreating.

2 Dagger

Short Range, Quick Attacks Need Proper Timing & Positioning To Work


Why Are They Hard To Use?

While effective at short range, every other weapon potentially out-ranging them can make it hard to hit back effectively

How To Make Them Easier To Handle?

Boost Dexterity to maximize damage combined with the right positioning and baiting to get enemies into the player’s attack range

Making true of the adage “bringing a knife to a gunfight,” the Dagger in Demon’s Souls Remake gameplay is one of the hardest weapons to master due to its lackluster attack range. Granted, Daggers can produce debilitating effects much faster due to their fast Attack Speed and can outpace opponents easily. However, both enemies and opposing players who have further-reaching weapons don’t have any reason to close the gap against Dagger users.

In turn, on top of improving Dexterity for overall damage, Dagger users can maximize the weapon’s potential through high enough Stamina and overall mobility. Securing a Sharp Secret Dagger +5 on a Dexterity build should give players enough Stamina to dash their way to opponents and score multi-hits before running out of juice. With the right fakes, players can lure opponents in for pokes that they can punish with stunlocks and fast attacks before their opponent can strike back.

1 Fist Weapon

Speed Supremacy Close Up Leaves Gap In Defense

Fist Weapon

Why Are They Hard To Use?

Extreme reliance on short-range leaves players with little room to dodge quick and powerful melee attacks from opponents

How To Make Them Easier To Handle?

Focus on Strength and Dexterity scaling while integrating hit-based buffs on the weapon

Players who don’t have any weapons in their Demon’s Souls Remake gameplay will still have their Fists as a first example of a Fist Weapon, although its main playstyle is shared across its three variants. At its core, Fist Weapons excel at burst damage up close with quick punches, although they do run the risk of leaving players vulnerable to counter-attacks. Players need to master their movement and dodge timing to survive with Fist Weapons at this distance, which is unfortunate for Soulslike games that often encourage players to rely on the safety of distance.

Overcoming the difficulty of Fist Weapons could lie in how players create the rest of their builds. Since Fist Weapons scale with Strength and Dexterity, it may help to maximize these stats to dish out as much damage as possible. Using Tearing and Bleeding setups with a high enough Dexterity rating should force enemies to get weaker as the fight takes place. It’s also possible to augment Fist Weapons with Light Weapon Magic to bolster their overall Magic Damage.

demon's souls 2020
Demon's Souls

November 12, 2020
Bluepoint Games