Demon’s Souls is one of the best Sony-published games on PS5. The excellent remake of the original game from 2009 looks unbelievably beautiful, and it set a benchmark for next-gen graphics when it launched with the console. While Demon’s Souls was considered a niche title when it came out, the soulslike genre has now become immensely popular with the mainstream audience.

From Software games are known for their punishing difficulty, and Demon’s Souls is no exception. The bosses in Demon’s Souls are easier than those found in From Software’s recent releases, but navigating the levels can be more challenging. Demon’s Souls has fewer shortcuts, so players often have to backtrack through a massive chunk of the level upon dying. Playing through Demon’s Souls is challenging for players of all skill levels, especially those that are not experienced with games like it, but a fan has somehow convinced his grandfather to give it a try.

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User king_craigles uploads a heartwarming video of his grandfather playing through Gates of Boletaria, the first major level of Demon’s Souls. King_craigles gives instructions the whole way, and it looks like his grandfather is playing well. He blocks several attacks from a group of three enemies before defeating them with a few swings of his sword. It looks king_craigles’ grandfather has good enough reflexes, as he similarly kills another enemy later on, and it’ll be interesting to see how he performs against the game’s more challenging foes.

Many users are commenting on the wholesomeness of the video, as king_craigles’ grandfather keeps looking down on the controller to figure out the placement of the buttons. TheElectric_Man says that king_craigles has a cool grandpa, and Standard_Grape_484 also wishes that their grandpa played Demon’s Souls.

Several users are discussing the state of the room featured in the video, including the racing wheel, the chair, and the posters. Zarnor and many others recommended king_craigles to use the PS5 stand that comes with the console, and he later confirmed that he also redid his room.

Many grandparents play on consoles, but fans probably don’t expect them to try challenging games like Demon’s Souls. This video is less than a day old, and hopefully, king_craigles uploads another clip that shows his grandfather’s progress through the game’s levels. Perhaps his grandfather can also give Elden Ring a shot, as it's generally considered From Software’s most approachable title. Magic is extremely powerful in Elden Ring, and players can try one of the many overpowered builds that can one-shot bosses. Regardless, this video should put a smile on the face of many gamers.

Demon's Souls is available now for PS5.

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