With the SoulsBorne series of games entrenched as quality in players' minds, everyone is going nuts over the Demon's Souls remake. A lot has changed, and the devs are even considering adding an easy mode, but until they do the game is still a serious challenge.

As expected of the first game in the Souls series, there are some serious and seriously memorable bosses in the Demon's Souls remake. One of the most memorable is the Tower Knight, which many players are facing for the first time in the remake. It can be a tough fight for the uninitiated, but unlike other bosses, there's an in-game established multi-step path to take down this boss, and here it is.

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Step 1: The Archers

The arena where the Tower Knight is fought is surrounded by a walkway inhabited by archers. These foes take pot shots at anyone attempting to engage the Tower Knight, and just like with the Phalanx fight, the smaller foes must be dealt with. Run up the stairs at either end of the arena and start bringing them down, but don't knock them into the arena. If they survive the fall, they'll cause problems at unexpected times.

demons souls tower knight

Step 2: The Achilles Heels

The Tower Knight is a big, heavily armored biped, and as such there's a lot of pressure on its ankles. As such, its key weak points are its feet, even if they're not as filthy as the Maiden in Black's feet. Carefully avoid its sweeping blows and start chopping at its ankles. Blowing one out will cause it to kneel, and both will make it fall over. This lets players reach its head, which is the third weak point. Hit that head as much as possible before the Knight stands back up, then rinse and repeat.

Step 3: The Proper Armament

Choosing the right weapon is important in Demon's Souls, even if it's not always clear which is the best choice. For the Tower Knight, the best choice if probably the Crescent Falchion. This is one of the best weapons to use early on, and can be found in the Shrine of Storms. It's actually a Crescent Falchion +1, making it magical, which is important.

Step 4: Play to The Weaknesses

The Tower Knight is weak to magic. This is not a unique trait, as the Armor Spider is also weak to magic. The Tower Knight, however, is really weak to magic. Slathering a weapon in Sticky White Slime can exploit this even further, as can casting attack spells. Fire is also very effective, and often a bit easier to acquire. Deliver both of these to the Tower Knight's weak spots and its armor will be melted in no time.

Demon's Souls is now available on the PS5.

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