The characters of Shonen anime series, like Tanjiro Kamado from Demon Slayer or Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan, tend to go through rough journeys packed with emotions, distress, tragic events, and death while fighting off their enemies. Having some comic relief in an anime allows the overall atmosphere of the series to be lighter and less harsh for all the parties involved, even when there are dark moments.

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The most comedic character of Demon Slayer is by far Zenitsu, with Inosuke ranking at a close second. Zenitsu is constantly getting into funny predicaments. His overly dramatic, cowardly, and crybaby behavior gives fans many funny moments, but these are the best ones so far.

9 When He Keeps Thinking The Woman Is A Monster

Demon Slayer Collage of Zenitsu and Tanjiro with Woman from Wisteria House

In the episode 14, "The House with the Wisteria Family Crest," the demon slayers stop by a house owned by an old woman to take a quick rest. Zenitsu immediately thinks she is a demon and is frightened by her throughout the episode. He keeps panicking and referring to her as a monster since she is "too fast" at preparing their supper, setting the table, and preparing their beds.

Zenitsu's irrational fear is what makes this a funny moment, and it's even better when both of his friends express their annoyances by hitting him on the head or throwing a pillow at his face.

8 Whenever He Is Chased By Inosuke

Demon Slayer Inosuke Chasing Zenitsu

Inosuke often chases Zenitsu in the anime, but one of those funny moments, in particular, happened in the same episode mentioned above. The episode starts with a knocked-out Inosuke lying on the ground. He was knocked out by Tanjiro, in the previous episode, for hurting Zenitsu and almost hurting Nezuko too.

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When Inosuke finally wakes, the first thing he does is scream and aim for the first person he sees to engage in a fight. This person turns out to be Zenitsu, who immediately runs away in terror and hides behind the kids.

7 Zenitsu And The Training

Demon Slayer Zenitsu Pulling Tanjiro and Inosuke Out and Punching Inosuke

In episode 24, "Rehabilitation Training," Zenitsu finally wakes up after being unconscious for a while after his fight against the Spider Demon. The ladies of the house inform him that he will also undergo a training, period just like his friends. He expects the worst, especially when his friends walk into the room exhausted and complaining.

Zenitsu, who loves girls above all, gets angry with his friends for comparing their training to hell when they've been in such good company. He asks for a word with them, but actually gives them an earful for being such ungrateful brats. This sort of bravery is something fans have rarely seen in Zenitsu, and it is hilarious to watch him be so angry over such a thing. He even goes as far as punching Inosuke.

6 The Boar Monster

Demon Slayer Collage of Inosuke and Zenitsu Close Ups

Zenitsu meets Inosuke in the 11th episode of the first season. While looking for a way out of the rotating mansion, he opens a door and sees a strange "boar monster." He screams and cowers in fear as Inosuke leaps over him and runs off in the halls.

This moment was funny in itself, but the best part was actually later in episode 13, when Zenitsu is safe outside with the boy Shoichi. As he panics about his head injury, Inosuke comes crashing out of the mansion and scares Zenitsu even more than before.

5 Zenitsu Versus The Tongue Demon

Demon Slayer Collage of Zenitsu Being Afraid With Shoichi

Throughout the Tsuzumi Mansion Arc of the first season, Zenitsu has been running scared and screaming nonstop while trying to escape the horrifying nightmare. There are many moments during this episode where Zenitsu makes fans laugh, like that time he fainted when the Tongue Demon revealed that he would scoop Zenitsu's brain up with his tongue through his ear.

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However, the funniest moment happens when Zenitsu wakes up after killing the demon, and finds the demon's head at his feet. He screams out in terror, and since he doesn't remember what happened, he is convinced that Shoichi was the one to save him. He spends the remainder of the Arc thanking Shoichi for saving his life.

4 Chasing Nezuko Around The Room

Collage Of Demon Slayer Zenitsu Confronting Tanjiro and Nezuko And Sparkly Nezuko

While staying at the Wisteria house, Zenitsu starts hearing noises coming from Tanjiro's box. Aware of the demon inside, he panics. He begins to squeal, scream, and cry, especially when he realizes that the box isn't locked. However, once Nezuko emerges, Zenitsu's behavior changes completely. He instantly has a crush on her. He also angrily accuses Tanjiro of keeping "such a cutie" hidden and for carrying a demon in the first place.

In the following episode, he happily chases his new crush, Nezuko, around the room and keeps calling her "Nezuko-San." It's a funny moment to see how quickly Zenitsu can shift from one mood to another when it comes to girls. Plus, he even chases Tanjiro around when he asks him to stop acting weird, which adds more comedy to the scene.

3 Zenitsu And The Spider Demon

Collage of Demon Slayer Zenitsu VS Spider Demons

Zenitsu is left alone when Tanjiro and Inosuke rush into the mountain, after witnessing a victim pulled inside by threads. Zenitsu wouldn't have followed them, if it wasn't for the love of his life being inside Tanjiro's box. While trying to find them in the forest, in the episode "You Must Master a Single Thing," he tries to stay calm, but it is difficult to do with many scary obstacles around. From strange sounds to the spider with a human head, it is hard for fans not to laugh at Zenitsu's terrified reactions.

The funniest part is when he is faced with the Spider Demon later on. He screams in terror, cries, and begs for it not to talk. The demon doesn't listen to him and reveals that Zenitsu has been poisoned and should be transforming soon into one of his slaves. This revelation upsets Zenitsu so much he can't help but faint.

2 Misunderstanding Uzui's Quest

Zenitsu Screaming At Uzui In the Entertainment Arc

In episode 2 of the second season, Zenitsu sits in a room with Tanjiro, Inosuke, and the Sound Hashira Uzui. Uzui reveals that he will send them off into the district to find his wife. Zenitsu gets mad and offended that he gets tasked with finding this man a wife, and when he tells him off, the truth is revealed.

Uzui tells the trio that he doesn't seek a wife because he already has three, and he explains that they are somewhere in the district. This information pains Zenitsu even more since he can't even get himself a girlfriend, let alone three, and he finds it unfair. His over-the-top reaction to the conversation is what made this a hilarious moment for fans.

1 When He Can't Find A House To Belong In The Entertainment District

Demon Slayer Zenitsu With Makeup and Standing with Uzui and Playing Guitar

In the second season, the trio must infiltrate the houses Uzui's wives are employed. The demon slayers dress up as women, and Zenitsu takes on the alias Zenko. Since he is the ugliest of the three, he struggles to get accepted in a house. He only gets into the Kyogoku House after Uzui offers him as a toilet cleaner. This comment infuriates Zenitsu so much that he angrily plays the shamisen while the other residents of the house comment on his ugliness, and squeal about Uzui's beauty.

This moment of the series is the funniest so far because fans would never expect to see Zenitsu dressed up as a woman, nor would they expect him to be one of the ugliest ones out there. His jealousy and competition against Uzui make the moment even more comedic.

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