
  • Deltarune's upcoming chapters 4 and 5 are in good hands with Toby Fox and his expanding team making significant progress.
  • The latest Spring 2024 Newsletter brings news of finished elements for Chapter 4, hinting at an improved development pace.
  • Despite no confirmed release date, Fox is enthusiastic about sharing the team's hard work, ensuring fans don't burn out waiting.

Toby Fox, director of the beloved episodic indie RPG Deltarune, recently gave fans an important update about the game's fourth and fifth chapters. Deltarune's release has been spread out over the last few years, due to its episodic nature and release schedule. The first chapter was shadow-dropped in 2018, much to the surprise and hype of the Undertale fanbase. Deltarune's second chapter was released in 2021 with a similarly shadow-dropped launch, with fans giving it an immense amount of praise. Now fans are eagerly anticipating the release of the game's next batch of chapters.

Toby Fox has been providing fans with a steady stream of updates through both social media and a personal newsletter that fans can subscribe to. These periodic newsletters gave fans insight into the development of Deltarune's future chapters, with the previous update in February indicating that the third chapter was "content complete," and it was nearing the final stages of development. The latest Spring Newsletter brings fans a lot of good news regarding Chapters 4-5.

Hidden Details Everyone Missed In Deltarune Chapter 2

Deltarune Chapter 2 hosts miniature details often missed by fans when playing the intricately developed RPG.

In Toby Fox's Spring 2024 Newsletter, he shares that the development team has gotten bigger, with some new hires being brought on-board. While these new members haven't been on the team for long, Fox credits them for making a huge difference, with the producer's objective to "finish the game before we become old and wrinkled," to which Fox agreed. As such, Fox says that the development of Deltarune's fourth chapter has been "better than ever," and that the team are on their way to meeting their internal deadline. He also shares what has been finished for Chapter 4, including the cutscenes, battles, overworld, and gimmicks.

Progress on Deltarune Chapters 4 and 5

  • Cutscenes: Only a few ones left to finish, some need polish
  • Battles: All the attacks are technically done, bosses need polish
  • Overworld: 10 maps need to be created, some need polish
  • Gimmicks: One complicated gimmick has nearly all of its iterations made, some need to go in the maps (eg. Teacup ride from Chapter 2)

Toby Fox hopes that by the next newsletter, Chapter 4 will be complete enough for a first pass for the game to be looked at, and that some of the team will move on to the development of Chapter 5. Despite the incredible progress that Toby Fox and the team have made already, Fox says they can't discuss a release date for Deltarune's next chapter just yet, anticipating that they might run into unexpected issues during development.

While Deltarune's next release is still quite far away, Fox is still excited about showing fans what he and his team have been cooking for the last few years. He notes that the team are "on fire" and don't want to burn out fans while waiting for Deltarune Chapter 3 and 4. Fox also shared a number of other collaborations and anecdotes outside Deltarune, such as a story about how he got to work with Hololive VTuber Amane Kanata for a song.


Toby Fox’s Deltarune is the next project after the incredibly popular indie game Undertale. With similar 2D graphics and an old-school RPG vibe, Deltarune continues in the steps of the previous game with a deep story and inventive combat. The game is still in development, but the demo is available for free on Steam.

PC , Nintendo Switch , PlayStation 4 , macOS
October 31, 2018
Toby Fox
Toby Fox