Following its launch on PlayStation Plus, Deep Rock Galactic has grown tremendously, reaching a larger audience than ever before. Deep Rock Galactic’s journey from an indie title made by a small team to a massive games-as-a-service project with Seasonal content is an incredible story, and this success could not have been achieved without an excellent gameplay loop. However, while mining and shooting feel great, so too does the time in between missions.

Deep Rock Galactic sees players selecting missions and gearing up on the Space Rig, a memorable hub area that is an absolute joy to come back to. There is a lot the area has going for it, and it is a part of the game that absolutely deserves some praise. However, there are a few additions that developer Ghost Ship Games and Coffee Stain Studios can make to improve the area even further, taking it from a lovely hub to one of the very best that gaming has to offer.

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What Makes Deep Rock Galactic’s Hub Area So Great


One great aspect of the hub area that Deep Rock Galactic players should immediately recognize is that it is remarkably easy to navigate. From the Forge and Abyss Bar to player loadouts and Memorial Hall, everything is easily accessible and able to be reach quickly. Players can check the item shop, trade some minerals, and check their battle pass progress within seconds, wasting little time before they embark on their next dive and continue playing. With hub areas like Borderlands 3’s Sanctuary 3 being memorable but tough to navigate, the clear paths and clutter-free look of the Space Rig deserve some love.

Another aspect of the Space Rig that is worthy of praise is just how much entertainment there is available. Whether players are dancing at the Abyss Bar, launching barrels to get a high score in the mini-game, or messing with gravity, there is always something to do when a teammate is AFK. Likewise, when other players are around, mini-games like Space Ball offers a fun distraction from the usual co-op gameplay seen when players are mining on Hoxxes. With these options, the Space Rig is as fun as it is functional.

Additions That Would Make Deep Rock Galactic’s Hub Area Even Better


However, the Space Rig has the potential to grow just like Deep Rock Galactic’s audience has, with Ghost Ship Games expanding on the area as time goes on. One small addition would see a few audio logs scattered on the ship, letting clever players track them down to get a bit of lore on characters like mission control. While Deep Rock Galactic certainly does not have the deepest story in video games, gamers do still want to know more about mysterious figures like Karl, and hidden recordings on the Space Rig could provide those answers.

Another good addition would see something like Borderlands 3’s room customization added to the Space Rig. While an in-depth system is unlikely, being able to decorate the walls with a few items could make a difference. Currently, the player rooms are far too small and lack anything to set them apart, with the only difference being a poster change for each room. An update that expands the rooms’ sizes and gives players a few slots to place decorations would give gamers a reason to visit other players’ rooms once in a while. From the heads of special bosses to plaques detailing player accomplishments, there are a few options for decorations. Props from events like the Lunar New Year celebration could be another decoration choice for players.

One final way to shake up the Space Rig is unlikely to ever come to the game, but could be a lot of fun. Like Warframe, Deep Rock Galactic could let players have pets on their ship. The Beast Master perk already lets players tame Glyphid Grunts, with the enemies renamed to Steeve. Being able to visit and pet Steeve at the Space Rig could be another way to pass the time, and players could use their special armor paint jobs to customize his appearance. Treats for the critter could be bought at the Abyss Bar, another fun touch for such an addition. If Ghost Ship Games wanted to take things a step further, a nursery could be added that makes use of all the alien eggs players have collected in their missions. They could then hatch their own Lootbug, Mactera, or Glyphid.

No matter what route Ghost Ship Games takes, there are ways to make the Space Rig even homier than it already is. While improvements to the core gameplay of Deep Rock Galactic are likely to come, such as more areas and mission types, the Space Rig should continue to be improved upon as well.

Deep Rock Galactic is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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