Deathverse: Let it Die is a survival action game all about participating in a violent TV show known as the Death Jamboree, in which players will have to fight each other to the death on an island for the entertainment of the viewers. Players will square off against one another with nothing but their brutal weapons.

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There are a few perks that players will unlock as they go through the game. However, not all of these perks are going to be the best of the best - it would really do a player well to know what perks do what, and how they can benefit them.

5 Telescope - Seeking Out Opponents

Deathverse Let it Die - Fist

Although Telescope is not the flashiest perk or the most impressive, it is still useful for a player to use while they are in the middle of a match in Deathverse: Let it Die. Essentially, Telescope is a perk that will let a player have a wider view of just where, exactly, their enemies are at all times.

While the perk does not totally expand a player's vision, it will still give a player a wider range of how far the character Wilson can find the enemies on the map. This, in turn, will enable a player to be able to formulate a better game plan, or even be able to sneak up on opponents by knowing where they are (and the general direction of where they are going, too).

4 Mushroom Maniac - More Use For Mushrooms

Deathverse Let it Die - Light

If a player wants to rack up their GP and their Voltage quickly, the Mushrooms are going to be their best friend. A player will want to make sure their GP and Voltage (the game's Health Points) are almost constantly topped off because it will be how a player's attack increases during battle. Mushrooms are a player's one-stop shop for increasing them both.

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By using Mushroom Maniac, a player will have a significant increase in the amount of both GP and Voltage that Mushrooms give to them during their gameplay. As such, for a player whose play style is more mushroom oriented, this perk will be fantastic for their playthrough.

3 Skill Master - Instantly Charge Up Skills

Deathverse Let it Die - Swing

For a player who wants to use their skills as quickly as possible, this perk is going to really come in handy for them. Skills, of course, are a great way to start whaling on the enemy (and possibly even kill them as well).

Skill Master will allow a player to instantly have their main skill charged up when they first enter the arena. This, in turn, will allow the player to kick off much quicker - having the advantage over the enemy and being able to use their skills will be really important in the long run. Getting a killing strategy set up and running is going to be a really good way to play the game.

2 Super Rebooter 20XX - Three Seconds More Time

Deathverse Let it Die - Sword

One problem that a lot of players will run into is the fact that they will be killed off really quickly if they are not careful. Luckily, though, that is not the end of the world - it will only take a few seconds for a player to get up and start brawling again. While it is recommended to try not to die, the Super Rebooter 20XX can help mitigate some of the pain that a player will feel from their deaths.

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The exact amount of time it takes a player to get back up after dying is ten seconds. However, with the Super Rebooter 20XX perk, that shaves three whole seconds off their time - meaning it will only take seven seconds for a player to get up and be in the running for another round. Time is of the essence in real-time battle games and death matches like in Deathverse: Let it Die. Even a few seconds can be enough for a player to get to victory.

1 Raging Bull - Trading HP For Damage

Deathverse Let it Die - Flame

Many players unanimously agree that the Raging Bull perk is one of - if not outright the best perk - in the game Deathverse: Let it Die. This is for good reason, too. His perk is insanely good if a player gets cornered and battered by enemy players, but has not been killed off just yet.

Essentially, with the Raging Bull perk, a player's damage will greatly increase if their Voltage is below a certain amount. The Raging Bull perk will be very good for a player to use as a last resort in order to turn the tides of the battle. The only downside is that it is essentially the "glass cannon" perk - if a player's Voltage is perpetually low, that just makes it easier for other enemies to take them down.

Dearthverse: Let it Die is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Microsoft Windows.

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