With the holiday season fast approaching, it seems several of the biggest games of the year are beginning to buckle under the weight of the long-lasting effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Halo Infinite pushed back its release into 2021, citing the restraints imposed by quarantine as a core reason, and it seems it'll now be joined by Arkane Studios' upcoming stealth-action game Deathloop.

Announced via a statement on the company's Twitter, it seems Deathloop will now hit shelves at some point in quarter 2 of 2021, with Arkane Studios wanting to spend more time creating an immersive world befitting of the studio's legacy. Although it'll be disappointing to those hoping to pick up the game this fall, delays are almost always a strong sign that players are getting a better experience in the long run.

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The statement claims that the goal of Deathloop is to "deliver a signature Arkane game that takes you to never-before-seen places in a stylish new world." However, creating that exact experience has taken longer than expected due to the drastic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, with Arkane Studios stating: "As we've adjusted to work-from-home, we found that delivering this exciting experience, at the polish and quality level that defines both an Arkane game and a true next-generation experiences, is taking longer than normal." It seems Deathloop just needs a little longer in the oven before it's ready to set a new benchmark for what Arkane can achieve as a studio.

The time will allegedly allow the team to "bring Deathloop's world to life with as much character and fun as you've come to expect from our team." Arkane leaves its fans with a heartwarming message about what to expect in the months to come too, stating: "Your positive feedback has helped fuel us as we continue to work from the confines of our home. We can't wait to share more details about Deathloop with you." With the studio being so renown for delivering immersive, inventive, and frequently replayable games, there's no denying more time to bring Arkane's next game to life will be imperative to Deathloop down the line.

For those who aren't familiar with the creative new action game, Deathloop sees players assume the role of Colt, an assassin stuck in a mysterious time loop that sees him doomed to repeat the night unless he kills 8 targets by midnight. Of course, it's not that easy, as a second player can assume the role of Julianna and attempt to stop Colt from killing his targets and thus protect the loop. It's a crazy concept that could only really be pulled off by Arkane Studios, so here's to hoping it won't be long until players can get their hands on it.

Deathloop will be available in quarter 2 of 2021 for PC and PlayStation 5.

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