Deathloop remains true to Arkane Studios' design tenets, letting players approach objectives in any way they choose. There are numerous ways to take on enemies and play with artificial intelligence. Because of how malleable the game world is depending on players' actions, there is a lot people may miss while on their journey to break the time loop.

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The ten things below showcase the height of possibilities within Deathloop. While Deathloop is not super challenging, the final barrier to killing all the Visionaries within a single day is tougher than the rest of the adventure, so these tips will certainly help.

9 Double-Jump And Shift

Exploring the world in Deathloop

One of the first Trinkets players receive lets them double-jump. This already lets them reach otherwise inaccessible ledges.

Charlie Montague, a Visionary who is mostly found either in Updaam or Fristad Rock, also drops the Shift Slab, which lets players quickly zoom forward a short distance. Combining these two, players can double jump forward and then use Shift to cover even longer distances. Some areas and shortcuts are only accessible through this tactic.

8 Get Rid Of Infused Weapons Early

infusion menu

Infusion and Residuum are introduced early on in the adventure. It is how Colt keeps weapons through several loops. Once a weapon is infused, it remains with Colt. It only goes away if players sacrifice it in the menu.

With this in mind, it is possible and sometimes recommended to drop these infused weapons early in a loop and pick up other ones. Pick up new weapons and sacrifice them during each part of the loop to obtain the maximum amount of Residuum.

7 Easy Ways To Get Passed Mines

deathloop hangar box trip mines

Mines can surprise players. Fortunately, there are two ways to easily deactivate the explosives. Anybody can simply crouch and deactivate them by hand.

Proximity mines beep faster as Colt gets closer, but it shouldn't explode too soon as long as he is crouching. Additionally, there is a Trinket called Mine Own, which lets players deactivate and remotely detonate them from a distance through hacking.

6 Use Delivery Booths To Easily Get Certain Items

deathloop delivery booth code

Delivery booths are initially locked to Colt. To unlock them, head to a room in the bunker in The Complex where the code to the delivery booths is written on a wall.

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Once these are unlocked, key items like Crank-Wheels and batteries are accessible in every district without having to find them in the world. These aren't necessary to complete the final loop, but it helps with a lot of optional quests and certain Arsenal Leads.

5 Lure Enemies Into A Deathtrap

ballistic turret deathloop hacking

Stealth is rather easy and simple, but if enemies spot and gang up on Colt he is in real trouble. There is one easy way to dispatch large groups of enemies once the alarm is raised.

Find a room where Colt's back is to the wall and let the enemies pour in. Sometimes they wait outside, in which case players have to peak out and take them out one at a time. Bring a ballistic turret to make an even more effective trap. In general, backing ballistic turrets is extremely useful.

4 Shifting Through Security Checkpoints

Using Slab powers in Deathloop

Shift is useful not only for getting to hard-to-reach places, but it also helps bypass security checkpoints. Some areas are blocked off by blue lasers that activate an alarm if touched.

Time Shift correctly and Colt zooms right through these without setting them off. The library in Updaam is particularly well guarded by these lasers and it helps using Shift to get inside without having everyone around chase Colt.

3 How To Get Back Into Stealth Easily

Sneaking up on enemies in Deathloop

Players can either shoot up the place or sneak through areas in Deathloop. Those doing the latter have to be cautious when going through an area. Getting spotted is far from the end of the world, however.

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If an enemy spots Colt it is easy to return to stealth. Either run away quickly or take out the several enemies nearby. Certain enemies radio for backup, but as long as they are not there it is easy to return to stealth without ruining the loop or objective.

2 Hack From Behind Cover

Deathloop Friendly Turret

Hacking is a vital part of stealth in Deathloop. Make sure Sensors don't see Colt and turn ballistic turrets to his side by simply getting close and activating the hack and waiting a few moments.

The machine has to be in the player's crosshairs to initiate hacking, but Colt can quickly go into cover and finish the hack without being seen. This simple maneuver helps players stay in stealth and avoid detection by both enemies and the machines.

1 Sacrifice Certain Items And Trinkets Everyday

Deathloop Pre-Mission Menu

At the start of each loop, Colt has a weapon and a couple of Trinkets. Because he starts with these, there is no reason to infuse them. In fact, players can sacrifice them for some extra Residuum and they'll be there by the next loop, good as new.

Players need to remember this, especially when they just need an extra couple of thousand Residuum to infuse that valuable weapon they want. Make sure to have plenty of Residuum to infuse those special weapons earned from Arsenal Leads.

MORE: Deathloop Complete Guide - Secrets, Tips, Guides, And Help