Among the key aspects of Deathloop's appeal are the emergent environmental interactions that react to different gameplay styles. The Slabs help everyone carve out their own unique approach to levels, whether they want to play stealthily or go in guns blazing. There are seven Slabs in all, though ultimately there are only five in the single-player campaign that players can choose from.

Favorites may differ from player to player, but certain Slabs are still more useful than others. At the end of the day, it is recommended to experiment with all the Slabs in Deathloop so one can find what works best for them. They all have their utility in every situation.

Updated October 3, 2022, by Jason Wojnar: Deathloop hit the ball out of the park last year. Unfortunately for Xbox owners, they had to wait over a year to play the game everyone was talking about. The new release is accompanied by a big update for every platform. The Golden Loop patch adds a bunch of new content to both the gameplay and story. Most relevant to this list, however, is the additional Slab power added to the game. Because of this addition, this list has been updated to include the new power that Colt can use to complete the perfect loop.

8 Havoc – Fia's Slab

fia in her bunker deathloop

This Slab is earned after killing Fia. It serves as a berserk mode, giving Colt boosted defenses and attack power. Some of the upgrades let Colt regenerate power while dealing damage, and also increase his damage output every time he takes a hit.

While it functions well, there is not a lot of use for this Slab in the single-player campaign. It is best served as a defense against any invading Julianna. However, it is hard to know if it is worth keeping one of the two slots equipped purely in anticipation of Julianna.

7 Karnesis – Aleksis' Slab

telekenisis slab power deathloop

It is foolish to have a game with supernatural powers and not include some sort of telekinesis. Karnesis is usually the last Slab players get since it is earned by killing Aleksis. He is easily the most challenging Visionary to kill and is only available in the evening.

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It is endlessly satisfying to send enemies flying through the air, especially as one of the upgrades, suspension, keeps enemies levitating in the air temporarily. However, this Slab ultimately does not have a lot of utility in gameplay. It is less about completing objectives and more about playing with the enemy AI and physics.

6 Reprise – Mandatory Slab For Colt

Colt's dead body deathloop reprise

This Slab stays with Colt throughout the whole adventure. It simply revives him twice during a loop. If he dies a third time, however, the day restarts. Additionally, if players die and respawn, they need to head back to where they died and collect all Residuum from an outline of Colt's body.

As helpful as it is, it would be nice if players could unequip Reprise to have a third Slab in their inventory. That way, players could choose if they wanted to risk having only one life in exchange for having three Slab powers instead of two.

5 Fugue – The Collector's Slab

Fugue slab deathloop on the UI

Even though this Slab is included in the free update, it is not given to players without work. They still have to defeat a boss called The Collector in order to earn this Slab. This boss is found in a new area during the afternoon section of Karl's Bay. It is not an easy fight, but it is worth it to gain this ability.

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After defeating the hidden boss, the power enables Colt to slow down and cause confusion among foes. When fully upgraded, the enemies will start attacking their own allies. Such a Slab creates a whole new variety of possibilities for the game's combat scenarios.

4 Shift – Charlie's Slab

Deathloop Colt Using Slab Ability

Even though it is not a platformer, movement is an extremely important aspect of Deathloop. Shift is an excellent tool for those who want to quickly zoom around the map. With the Spring Heeled Trinket equipped, players can double jump and then shift to cover large distances quickly.

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Some of the upgrades make it more useful in combat. For example, switching places with an enemy or unleashing a powerful kick. However, given the better Slabs below, it might be tempting to leave this one behind on later runs with it comes time to actually kill the visionaries.

3 Masquerade – Julianna's Slab

Julianna deathloop

Like Reprise is free for Colt, the Masquerade Slab is complimentary for Julianna. It lets her impersonate any character in the level. The only caveat is that she must first be looking at them. This can be an extremely helpful tool during invasions. If Colt is sneaking through a level, he will think twice before killing a guard, giving Julianna the perfect opportunity for a sneak attack.

Like Reprise, it does feel odd not being able to unequip it in exchange for more Slabs during a run. It previously did not have an upgrade path, but this was changed in the recent update. Earning these upgrades simply requires the player to complete Julianna's mission and kill colt during an invasion.

2 Aether – Egor's Slab

deathloop aether

Egor's Slab, Aether, lets Colt turn invisible. In a game about stealth, this is a helpful tool when sneaking past guards. It is not foolproof, however. Players still have to keep their distance, or else guards will see Colt. Power drains quickly, so one needs to use it effectively.

Further upgrades significantly improve this Slab's utility. One of them even prevents power from draining while Colt is standing still. Another effective upgrade involves enemies not leaving a trace if Colt kills them while Aether is activated. It is worth killing Egor a few times over for those few upgrades.

1 Nexus – Harriet's Slab

deathloop nexus wenjie

Nexus is above and beyond the most useful Slab in the game. Shoot it towards an enemy and it links them to all nearby foes. Kill or damage one, and all of them receive the same amount of damage. In stealth, it is an absolutely invaluable tool. Nexus also helps in action. If a large group of enemies are scrunched together, Nexus can dispose of them almost immediately.

This Slab is particularly helpful when killing Aleksis in the evening. If Colt puts the right combination into the music mix, Aleksis starts dancing. Use Nexus on him, and then a powerful enough rifle to kill him with a headshot. Watch as he and all the guards go down simultaneously without raising an alarm.

Deathloop is out now for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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