The visionaries of Deathloop are formidable foes. This is by design - the game's story revolves around the challenge of killing them all in a single day, but some can prove to be more of a challenge than others. This is most true for Fia Zborowska, an eccentric artist and provisioner; she puts her two roles to good use by filling a base in Fristad Rock with paint, cameras, guards, and a nuclear reactor. Best of all, she uses the Havoc slab to hit hard while being all but immune to damage from the player.

Strategic players won't want to attack her while she's got the home advantage, but those looking to unlock every achievement that Deathloop has to offer will need to do exactly that. The Didn't See It Coming trophy tasks players with killing Fia without setting off a deadly reaction - and while this guide will break it down, it's still a difficult one to achieve.

Deathloop: How To Solve Fia's Pictograms

Finding all the pictograms in Fia's art studio takes some time and deduction. This guide should help make things easier.

How To Unlock the Didn't See It Coming Achievement

Deathloop Getting A Backstab Against Fia

Fia can be one of the easier Visionaries to kill once players have made enough story progress to find out where she goes in the afternoon, but will still need to be attacked in her main bunker in Fristad Rock at Noon for this trophy. The main thing making this trophy difficult is how well-guarded the bunker is; being spotted by a single camera or guard will alert Fia, who in turn activates the reactor meltdown and voids this trophy. Players looking to quickly retry can quit to the main menu to reset the level without restarting the whole loop, however.

As the ultimate goal is to kill Fia without triggering the reactor meltdown, players have two options.

  1. Sneak up on Fia and stealth kill her without alerting anyone in the bunker
  2. Disable the reactor so breaking stealth does not matter

Players that prefer to go guns-blazing will prefer option 2 (though it still involves some stealth), whereas fans of Arkane's previous Dishonored games may opt for option 1. Both strategies have been laid out below to assist players no matter their preference.

The Stealthy Route

Deathloop Bringing A Charged Battery To The Locked Room In Fia's Bunker

Recommended Loadout:

  • Aether slab with Ghost and either Erase or Flicker upgrades
  • Shift slab with Reach and Airborne upgrades
  • Tribunal pistol with accuracy and zoom trinkets
  • Double jump trinket (Spring Heeled)
  • Power extending trinket (Juiced Up)

After leaving the tunnels, players should make their way up the cliff to the right. Alerting enemies outside the bunker won't upset Fia, so even stealth enjoyers can go guns blazing before making their way inside via the door above the scrapyard. Working their way down an elevator shaft and kicking through some boards, players should quietly dispatch the two enemies in front of them and hack a nearby camera. The vehicle the enemies were inspecting has a crank underneath it; players should use the nearby stairs to grab it and keep it close going forward.

From here, a battery-locked room near the vent must be entered. Looking above it reveals two lasers - players should use Aether to slip through them undetected. At the back of this room, a ventilation shaft can be kicked open; following it past, a fan will take players into a large room that holds the reactor and is crawling with enemies. Here, players should use their Shift ability to teleport to the very top of the reactor. Getting into the right position can be awkward; it's easiest to do from the nearby stairs, but getting there requires careful timing or another few stealth kills.

From the top of the reactor, there's not much left to do. Put the crank on the hatch that requires it, activate Aether once more, and drop with a machete in hand - just make sure Fia isn't standing directly below the hatch before doing so. Sneak up behind her and execute the stealth kill - assuming she wasn't alerted, the trophy will unlock soon after.

Baldur's Gate 3 Players Find Quick Way to Unlock the PS5 Platinum Trophy

Some Baldur's Gate 3 players realize that getting a platinum trophy on the PS5 version of the game is as simple as loading a few saves.

The Reactor-Disabling Route

Deathloop Bomb And Wires Location In Fia's Bunker

Recommended Loadout:

  • Aether slab with Ghost and either Erase or Flicker upgrades
  • Shift slab with Reach and Airborne upgrades
  • Tribunal pistol with accuracy and zoom trinkets
  • A shotgun, revolver, or other strong close-range weapons
  • Double jump trinket (Spring Heeled)
  • Power extending trinket (Juiced Up)

This strategy plays out very similarly to the one above, with the added bonus of players getting to break stealth after completing a quick optional task. After getting inside the bunker, don't bother grabbing the crank. Instead, enter the room near the camera and inspect the reactor schematics on a table at the back; it shows the order that the wires must be cut, but is randomized and must be remembered.

Upon entering the room with the reactor, players should use Aether as they sneak to the area shown above, hack the reactor to access its wires, and cut them one-by-one in the order shown in the schematic. Getting the order wrong will cause a meltdown, so caution is advised - once the reactor is disabled; however, players are free to go guns blazing. When Fia finally dies the trophy will unlock soon after.

Deathloop is available now on PlayStation 5, PC, and Xbox Series X / S.

MORE: 4 Awesome Sidequests in Deathloop