Deathloop is all about trying to achieve the perfect loop in order to take out all eight Visionaries during one day. To achieve this bloody task, Colt must find a way to get multiple Blackreef antagonists at the same location at once.

Thankfully, after visiting either Charlie or Fia once, Colt discovers that the two are already set to meet up during midday. This means players can head straight to Charlie and Fia's location in Deathloop without needing to change anything during the morning. There is no quest marker detailing where to find them exactly, so this guide will explain exactly where to find the duo.

RELATED: Deathloop: Best Way To Kill Fia

Charlie and Fia Location in Deathloop

Deathloop Fristrad Rock arrow pointing to Charlie and Fia's location

Charlie and Fia are located in a bunker by the icy shoreline in Fristrad Rock, close to a downed plane. The easiest way to find the area is to take an immediate right after exiting the entrance with the snowman in front of it and climbing the rocky cliffs beside the bright electrical screens. The Shift Slab power in Deathloop can make traversal quicker and easier on the way to Charlie and Fia.

Deathloop downed plane in ice water at fristrad rock

Jump down from the cliff and kill or sneak past all enemies on the right, by the shoreline. Be careful if this is the first time players have made a return to the immersive sim since launch, as a Deathloop update has made NPCs smarter.

Door Entrance to Charlie and Mia in Fristad Rock

After the group of enemies has been dealt with, players should hug the cliffs to the left of the frozen plane in the water, being careful not to walk into the deadly sea. A staircase will soon come into view. Climb it and then enter the door. After solving the data cassette puzzle in Deathloop, players will gain entry into the bunker and can now kill Charlie and Fia at noon.

Data Cassette Puzzle Solution

Deathloop Code Displayed In The Air On The Data Cassette Puzzle

Solving the data cassette puzzle involves backtracking to Karl's Bay to open a safe, and then heading to Fia's complex back at Fristrad Rock at noon. Here, players will have to find four pictograms displayed around the complex that act as a cipher to the elaborate lock system.

Four of Fia's pictograms in Deathloop players need to find are randomized, as is the code to access Charlie and Fia in the complex. Players can refer to the journal to see their clues or inspect every pictogram they find.

Once players gain entry to Charlie and Fia's location, they can now kill both of them at the same time by flooding the place and escaping.

Deathloop is out now for PC and PS5.

MORE: Deathloop Complete Guide - Secrets, Tips, Guides, And Help