There are plenty of games that have been improved by their soundtracks. The radio stations in Grand Theft Auto games have become an iconic part of the series, and the orchestral swells that accompany epic battles in God of War amplify its action. The creepy vibes of Lavender Town in Pokemon have become the stuff of urban legends, meanwhile the soundtracks of Sonic the Hedgehog games are enough to trigger nostalgia for many. With Death Stranding, Hideo Kojima demonstrates silence can be just as powerful.

The first Kojima Productions game has players going for long stretches in relative silence, and it has a profound effect. Though Death Stranding does feature an atmospheric soundtrack that players can listen to in safe houses, time away from the music is perhaps more impactful.

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Sam Bridges Goes on a Lonely Journey in Death Stranding


The protagonist of Death Stranding is Sam Porter Bridges, a man with a phobia of being touched. He lives in a world where American society has been fragmented and people have retreated into bunkers, so Sam's task is to reconnect isolated people and rebuild the United Cities of America. The story can be interpreted in many ways: Kojima, in an interview with Time magazine, stated the game is inspired by feelings of loneliness he felt after he departed from Konami. However, the game may resonate with some people who, in the digital age, find fewer excuses to meet others in the flesh. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the game took on a new meaning as much of the world found itself under quarantine, isolated from friends and family.

To reconnect America, Sam has to make deliveries. The journey Sam takes is lonely, crossing over desolate landscapes and austere mountain ranges. As the game progresses, Sam gains access to structures that make the job easier: ziplines, trucks, motorcycles, roads, and bridges all become available, and they are immensely useful. However, in the early hours of the game, before Sam can make use of most of these structures, people experience the purest form of Death Stranding. Players have to make long journeys on foot with little aid, and this can be frustrating when they take players over rough terrain or steep slopes, or a test of endurance when players go from one corner of the map to the other. The struggle experience.

For most of Sam's hikes players are treated to silence, which may be an eccentric choice for a game that makes much of its gameplay seem to be a chore, but the effect of silence in Death Stranding is more powerful than any soundtrack could be. The silence emphasizes how isolated Sam is as he marches across dystopian stretches of Earth. This makes players feel more grateful when they stumble upon a ladder or a climbing rope laid down by a fellow porter, and helps to induce a calm, meditative feeling. Sam's world may be a post-apocalyptic one, but it is also beautiful; taking in the sublime nature as Sam walks in silence becomes as peaceful as a hike in real life.

The Death Stranding Experience

death stranding directors cut thumbs up

Fans of Death Stranding have repeatedly asked for the game to receive an update that gives Sam some kind of MP3 player to use while making deliveries. Metal Gear Solid 5, a game also developed by Kojima, has Venom Snake carrying around a Walkman to play the best 80s hits while he infiltrates enemy bases. Death Stranding has received plenty of updates, including a Director's Cut release, but an MP3 player has yet to be included.

The most likely reason for the omission of the MP3 player is that it would clash with the vibes the game is trying to achieve. Silence and loneliness are part of the Death Stranding experience, and the game rewards players for putting up with it. Occasionally, after an arduous journey, players will find their destination poking out from the horizon, and the perfect song will play to lift their spirits for the last mile.

Death Stranding is available now on PC, PS4, and PS5.

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