On the surface, Death Stranding is quite a lonely game. Gamers spend most of their time making deliveries alone, and though the isolation can be beautiful, it does get overwhelming at times. Fortunately, Death Stranding is also dedicated to illustrating that connections can be made in the direst circumstances. Hence, during his adventures, the protagonist, Sam Bridges, makes friends with a wide array of characters. Some, like Heartman, are quite memorable, though Death Stranding does a lazy job of wrapping up his storyline.

Heartman is suffering from a condition that has him constantly teetering on the border between life and death. He has had a tragic past and struggles to find closure regarding his family. Death Stranding concludes his story via collectibles, and this is a shame, as Heartman is a character that deserves much more attention.

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Heartman in Death Stranding

death stranding heartman and sam

Heartman can be found not far from Mountain Knot City. He has a luxurious home nestled in the snowy region, and while it is always good to speak to him, players soon learn that his story is a tragic one. He once lived with his wife and daughter, but his life is torn apart when his family is caught in two voidouts. The deadly voidouts in Death Stranding kill Heartman's wife and daughter, leaving nothing but a heart-shaped crater remaining. During this time, Heartman is receiving heart surgery, and for a moment the hospital loses power, causing the character to awaken on his Beach where he finds his dead family. His stay there isn't long, because doctors are able to bring him back.

Unable to cope with the loss of his family, Heartman begins intentionally stopping his heart for three minutes, so he can visit the Beach and search for his loved ones. Though this takes a toll on his heart, his love motivates him to keep searching. Heartman's story is a sad one which illustrates how devastating grief can be. Although one can sympathize with Heartman, it is also obvious that his inability to accept the death of his wife and daughter is deteriorating his mental health.

Heartman's Anticlimactic Ending

death stranding heartman

At the end of Death Stranding, players receive e-mails informing them of what happened to various characters. In the case of Heartman, it is revealed that he eventually gave up his pursuit of his family, and instead simply accepted that it may be impossible for him to ever find his wife and daughter. He theorizes that each person's Beach is unique and that there would be no way for him to ever find the Beach where his family dwells. Though this is a sad realization, it does help Heartman move on, and he eventually begins a new relationship with a woman named Samantha Spade.

Heartman's story comes to a satisfying conclusion, but it is disappointing that it all happens off-screen via Death Stranding's mail. Scenes featuring Heartman slowly coming to terms with the loss of his family and finding love again in Death Stranding 2 could have made for very touching moments. It has yet to be confirmed whether Heartman will feature in Death Stranding 2, though it very much feels like his story has come to a close.

Not much is known about Death Stranding 2, though a few characters have been confirmed to be making a return, including Fragile, Sam, and Higgs. Having Heartman make a reappearance in the upcoming game would be great, as his story is a complex, emotional one that could be explored in even greater depth. With no official release day revealed, it seems players will have to wait a while to see if Heartman will be part of Death Stranding 2's cast.

Death Stranding is available on PC, PS4, and PS5.

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