In Hideo Kojima’s latest game Death Stranding, players will do a lot of walking. Since the primary focus of the title is on delivering packages and reconnected the Cities of America, protagonist Sam Porter Bridges spends much of the time traveling from point A to point B.

Early on in Death Stranding the walking and travel time might seem like a chore, especially when players have to revisit an area that they have been to before. But the good news is that there is a fast travel mechanic in Death Stranding.

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To unlock fast travel in Death Stranding, players will need to reach Episode 3 in the game, which opens up the central section of the map. In the prologue and first two episodes, Sam will spend a lot of time simply carrying cargo from one location to the next in order to reconnect the main locations in that area. Once complete, he can travel on through Central Port City to unlock more of the game.

At this point, there will be a handful of cutscenes that set up the main goals of Episode 3. We won’t spoil those because Hideo Kojima has preserved a lot of the mystery surrounding Death Stranding. Even when Kojima released an 8-minute Death Stranding launch trailer, he didn’t give a lot away.

After sitting through the cutscenes, players will be in one of Sam’s Private Rooms and they will gain access to the Fragile Jump. This is Death Stranding’s version of fast travel named after Lea Seydoux’s character in the game.

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To activate the Fragile Jump, players need to highlight Fragile’s weird umbrella in the Private Room. Doing so will open up the option to fast travel to any previously visited location that also has a private room. So distribution centers, main Knot City locations, and Safe Houses that players will build later in the game will be available.

As players might expect, they cannot take any cargo with them when performing a Fragile Jump so it isn’t a way to speed up the traversal process. However, there are vehicles to unlock in Death Stranding that will make getting from point A to point B faster.

The value of the Fragile Jump is being able to revisit areas and pick up orders that players might have passed on the first time around. Perhaps they might have upgrades or tools that will make the journey easier or more rewarding.

Death Stranding is available now for PS4.

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