
  • Death Stranding 2: On the Beach showcases a more expansive and diverse world than its predecessor, with a wide variety of environments for players to explore.
  • The environments in Death Stranding 2 are visually impressive and appear to improve upon the already breathtaking world of the first game.
  • The sequel will feature even more travel and exploration, taking players through massive canyons, far-reaching deserts, large cities, snow-covered mountaintops, and dark tar swamps.

Death Stranding 2, now officially titled Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, was just revealed in an extended trailer during PlayStation's 2024 State of Play trailer, and fans can't get enough of it. The trailer effectively maintained the signature bizarre tone and visuals of Death Stranding, but it also showcased some big changes coming in the sequel, even with the majority of the footage shown being cinematics and storytelling. In particular, it appears Death Stranding 2 will be taking players to an even more expansive and diverse world than its predecessor.

The State of Play trailer for Death Stranding 2: On the Beach reveals the return of Norman Reedus' Sam, Lea Seydoux's Fragile, and Troy Baker's Higgs, but one of the most impressive sights to behold is the wide variety of environments Sam is seen traversing. While the first game was no stranger to different environments, Death Stranding 2 appears to improve upon the series' already breathtaking world by including an even more diverse array of locations, some of which have unexpectedly found a home in the universe of Death Stranding​​​​​​.

Death Stranding 2's Biggest Mystery is No Closer To Being Solved After The State of Play Trailer

Even after the latest State of Play trailer for Death Stranding 2, Elle Fanning's role in the sequel remains shrouded in mystery.

Death Stranding 2's Environments Are a Huge Improvement Over the First Game's

Death Stranding 2's Environments Are More Numerous and Diverse

Sam walking toward a large moon in Death Stranding 2

The bulk of Death Stranding's open world is very Icelandic in nature, a feature that some fans have taken issues with, as the game is set in America. However, because it resembles Iceland, the open world is very green and mountainous, with streams and waterfalls occasionally cutting through its land. Beyond its mainland, however, players eventually venture into a rather large red desert area and even scale the mountains as the game progresses. Death Stranding 2, on the other hand, gives players a chance to go "on the road," which essentially means they will encounter more environments.

... Death Stranding 2 appears to improve upon the series' already breathtaking world by including an even more diverse array of locations...

As revealed in Death Stranding 2: On the Beach's State of Play trailer, Sam will likely be traveling even more than he did in Death Stranding, as he can be seen hiking and driving across a broad variety of landscapes. Right off the bat, Death Stranding 2 appears to be less "green" than its predecessor, but it makes up for it elsewhere. According to the trailer, players will be traveling through massive canyons, far-reaching deserts, and what appear to be large cities. Players will also return to snow-covered mountaintops and the dark tar swamps of the original game.

Death Stranding 2's Environments Are Already More Visually Impressive

death stranding 2-2

It goes without saying that Death Stranding 2: On the Beach's environments will be more impressive from a visual standpoint as well, as technology continues to improve. Nevertheless, the sequel's environments and landscapes are breathtaking, to say the least, and present a massive open world that is already captivating players ahead of the sequel's release. In a series that emphasizes travel as much as Death Stranding does, its environmental visuals should be striking enough to create an immersive experience for its players and really give that "big world" feel, even if the full extent of it is never explored, and it seems Death Stranding 2 will likely accomplish that with ease.

Death Stranding's beautifully crafted open world sets a high bar for other open-world games, and it is already looking like Death Stranding 2: On the Beach will drive that sword in even further. It is currently unclear just how massive the sequel's open world will be, but what is clear is that it will most likely be a captivating experience for those who choose to explore its vastness and brave its danger when it releases in 2025.