
  • The upcoming Death Stranding 2 trailer could answer several burning questions about the game, such as Sam's aging and Fragile's fixed skin.
  • The return of the charismatic villain Higgs raises questions about how he survived, his new appearance, and his cult of followers. Fans also hope for confirmation of the return of Die-Hardman, as it is unclear if he is still the President of the United States.
  • A reveal of who Elle Fanning is playing would confirm or deny fans' Louise theories, and it would surely make for great trailer material.

It has been quite some time since The Game Awards 2022 and the reveal of Death Stranding 2. In the nine months that have gone by since the game was unveiled, fans have been left to speculate about its trailer. And, in typical Hideo Kojima fashion, the first trailer for Death Stranding 2 provided a whole lot to speculate about. While the game could follow the same path as the original and keep releasing out-of-context trailers as opposed to telling fans exactly what is going on, a few questions should be answered if Kojima Productions plans on giving fans some insight into the story.

While Death Stranding 2’s gameplay is one topic to consider, as the presence of Higgs’ new enemy faction and the divisiveness of the original game suggest that a more combat-heavy approach may be taken, the story of the series remains a major strength. As such, it is worth looking at the biggest questions raised by the Death Stranding 2 reveal, as the next trailer has an opportunity to shed some light on those topics.

RELATED: 5 Death Stranding Characters We Hope to See in the Sequel

Why is Sam Old in Death Stranding 2?

Old Sam

Undoubtedly the biggest question on fans’ minds when it comes to Death Stranding 2 is how much older Sam Bridges is. While fans have been quick to compare this version of Sam to Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid 4, nanomachines are very unlikely to be the cause of this aging. Intriguingly, only Sam’s face and hair seem to have grown old, suggesting that his head may have been exposed to Timefall while his body remained covered. Hopefully, the next trailer touches on this big change for the series’ protagonist.

Why is Fragile’s Skin Better in Death Stranding 2?


Speaking of Death Stranding’s Timefall, Fragile was one of its biggest victims. Following an encounter with the villain Higgs, the entirety of Fragile’s body was exposed to the age-altering rain of the Death Stranding universe. However, fans see her exposed arms in the Game Awards 2022 trailer, and the scarring from the Timefall has disappeared. This is genuinely confusing, as Timefall’s effects have never been shown to be reversible. Perhaps new technology has been created to help counter the effects, though this would not explain what has happened to Sam and why he has gone uncured.

What’s Going On With Higgs in Death Stranding 2?


The charismatic villain Higgs is one of Troy Baker’s many great performances, and fans were happy to see confirmation of his return in DS2’s reveal trailer. However, while his personality is very much still present, many questions about Higgs’ return remain. How he survived the events of the first game is one, as Fragile had supposedly killed him off-screen. His new appearance is another thing to explain, as his hair has been styled to look like Amelie’s. Perhaps this ties into his cult-like following, as he may be trying to bring her back or take her place as an Extinction Entity. Until more is shown, though, this cyborg version of Higgs will remain a headscratcher.

Is Die-Hardman Still President in Death Stranding 2?

Die-hardman death stranding

After a devastating confession to Sam, Die-Hardman resumed his duties as President of the United States. While he is a flawed man who has certainly made mistakes, Die-Hardman is still a good person who has what it takes to lead the country. However, with questions about Sam’s age and how much time has passed since the original Death Stranding, fans have no idea whether Die-Hardman is still in office. Considering Tommie Earl Jenkins' phenomenal performance as Die-Hardman and his passion for the series, it would be great to have some confirmation that he is coming back in the next trailer.

Who is Elle Fanning Playing in Death Stranding 2?


Considering how Death Stranding 2 was initially teased with mysterious posters that built up to cast reveals, learning more about the new characters could prove just as enlightening as getting answers about the old ones. Elle Fanning’s reveal was treated as a big deal by Hideo Kojima, and with certain poses causing fans to theorize that she will be a grown-up Louise in Death Stranding 2, her importance to the plot could be massive. Definitive answers about who Elle Fanning is playing could make for a phenomenal second trailer, especially if theories are true and she is indeed playing Sam’s daughter.

Death Stranding 2 is currently in development for PS5.

MORE: When to Expect Death Stranding 2 News