Developed by Kojima Productions, Death Stranding is an action-adventure game directed by the famous director, Hideo Kojima. Death Stranding released in 2019, and up until its release, players were unable to fully grasp the details of its gameplay and narrative. When the game finally launched, it ended up dividing the gaming community and fans of Hideo's previous works, like the Metal Gear Solid series, due to its weird style of gameplay. Visually, the game remained on par with most other contenders at the time, however players either loved or hated its gameplay and story. Now, the announcement of a sequel has happened, but with no major details about Death Stranding 2 having been revealed yet, the series remains as divisive as ever.

Death Stranding boasts a post-apocalyptical setting where attempts of opening a gate between the worlds of the living and the dead lead to a largely unexplained but catastrophic phenomenon known as Death Stranding, which wiped out most of the life on earth. Players assume the role of Sam Porter Bridges, who carries a baby named Lou as he traverses a disarrayed version of the United States to reconnect and unite isolated cities and save humanity from extinction.

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Why Death Stranding Was Controversial

Sam Porter

Death Stranding was promoted as an action-adventure game, however for the longest time players did not actually get to see the in-game action mechanics of the game, leaving them largely confused. Upon the game's release it became clear that it would put less emphasis on action and more on exploration, as traversal and strategic planning in Death Stranding were a major focus.

The final hours of Death Stranding reveal the details about Sam's true origin, and the true reasoning behind his deliveries, with much of the cast receiving a proper ending as the game comes to a close. By the end, Sam cuts his ties with Bridges and goes off to live with his adoptive baby Lou, and the next and final cataclysmic event, set to end the world, is postponed. Judging by its ending, Death Stranding ended on a pretty decent note without leaving any large mysteries that would prompt a need for a sequel, however another Death Stranding game is in the works, making fans wonder what the next game will be about.

From the moment of Death Stranding's announcement at E3 2016 until its eventual release in 2019, players knew very little about the game's actual plot and gameplay due to its mysterious trailers. Now, the same mystery can be seen lingering around Death Stranding 2, with the developers not making it clear what direction the Death Stranding sequel will take.

The Development of Death Stranding 2 Keeps The Mystery Alive

Old Sam

Kojima Productions has stated that Death Stranding 2 is already in development, making fans wonder what new and bizarre elements will the game bring to the world of gaming. A cinematic trailer for the game has also been revealed, however it adds more to the confusion by not discussing any major plot points of the sequel nor giving a release date for the game. The trailer also reveals no details on the actual gameplay of the title, leaving fans hanging once again.

The trailer does, however, star a much older Sam Porter, indicating that the game could feature a major time skip. The first game ended will the threat of a final extinction level event being postponed for the time being, but not taken out of the equation entirely. The sequel could possibly pave out a way for Sam and his friends to put the threat to an end, however the rise of a new fanatic cult, as shown in the trailer, may not make it so easy to do. Obviously, though, this is purely speculation. No new gameplay details have been released for Death Stranding 2, but some gamers would surely appreciate a more action oriented experience as compared to the first game.

Death Stranding 2 is currently in development for PS5.

MORE:How Death Stranding 2 Can Improve On The Original's Gameplay