Along with its announcement at The Game Awards 2022, Death Stranding 2 surprised fans when series' antagonist Higgs was confirmed to return, leaving players with many questions but sure in the knowledge that Higgs' reappearance can only mean bad things for Fragile and Sam. While Higgs left a lasting impression on players during Death Stranding, thanks in part to Troy Baker's performance, by the game's end he was defeated at the hands of Sam and left to Fragile's mercy. It was therefore unclear if Higgs would return in a sequel alongside the likes of Norman Reedus, who is reprising his role as Sam.

However, reintroduced in the closing moments of the announcement trailer with a fresh new look and rocking a literal guitar, Higgs is back in a big way it seems. Though his role as the primary antagonist during Death Stranding was undercut by the game's final twist with Amelie, Death Stranding 2 could potentially be providing the maniacal terrorist a chance to shine without somebody else pulling his strings behind the scenes. Given that the last time players saw him was beaten and humiliated by Fragile and Sam, an untethered Higgs could go on a violent offensive in search of revenge.

RELATED: A Look at Troy Baker's Prolific Career

Where Higgs Left Off After Death Stranding

Death Stranding - Higgs Without Mask Talking Down To Sam

Throughout Death Stranding, players are led to believe that Higgs is acting of his own accord in uniting the separatist group Homo Demens and seeking the destruction of the UCA. While his motivations are mostly unclear, by the game's ending it's revealed that Higgs was acting at Amelie's instruction and helping her to bring about the Last Stranding. Most of the actions Higgs took, the way he presented himself, and how he confronted Sam, were all part of a performance on Amelie's behalf. But after being defeated by Sam and handed to Fragile, he is both exposed and powerless.

While this is the end of Death Stranding's story, players can find post-game lore that expands on Higgs' backstory. Orphaned and suffering under his abusive uncle-turned-"Daddy," Higgs was exposed to BTs and DOOMS when he killed him in self-defense and saw the body necrotize. Building a better life for himself as a porter, he joined with Fragile in admiration of her own DOOMS to reconnect America, but became disillusioned over time and then swayed by Amelie. After his defeat and with Amelie no longer on his side, Higgs laments how he's lost everything despite his self-aggrandizement as the God Particle and ambition for the Last Stranding.

Higgs Potential Role in Death Stranding 2

Death Stranding 2 BB

Therefore, from the events of Death Stranding and Higgs' involvement to the state he's left in by the game's end, it is clear that he had a high impression of himself and was always seeking out more powerful people that he could either use or ally with. With Higgs embittered at his loss and rendered powerless, Higgs needs a new cause to fill the void, and it's likely that this could mean seeking revenge against Fragile and an unexplained older Sam for preventing the Last Stranding as he'd wanted. With Amelie no longer leading the Homo Demens, it's possible Higgs could presume defacto leadership and go on the offensive against the UCA.

However, Higgs' dramatic new look with a new mask, Amelie's necklace, and a torso unsettlingly similar to a BB pod with what could be his organs visible could point towards a new direction for the character. Between the cyborg-like body, the darker cosmic horror visuals, and the trailer's ominous final tagline "Should we have connected?" there seems to be an indication of a new powerful presence somehow connected to the beaches and the stranding. It's possible that in search of a new all-powerful figure to achieve his dreams of extinction, Higgs has allied with a more dangerous entity than Amelie.

Death Stranding 2 is currently in development.

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