Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding was released for the PS4 back in 2019 to successful sales numbers, but a mixed critical response. While some praised the technical prowess and ambition in the story and world, others felt that gameplay was lacking and repetitive. After all, Death Stranding's core gameplay loop of simply delivering packages across endless wastelands that are essentially empty, while thematically fitting for the story, isn't exactly the most compelling sell for those preferring a more action packed experience.

Just a few months ago at the Game Awards, Death Stranding 2 was formally announced after numerous rumors leading up to the event. Little is known about the game at this point aside from the teases seen in the reveal trailer, so it remains to be seen exactly what Hideo Kojima has planned for his follow up to one of the PS4's most controversial exclusives. Based on the division among gamers who either fell in love with the original Death Stranding's concept or outright loathed it, the sequel has an uphill battle ahead of it to decide which audience to cater to.

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Death Stranding 2 - Staying True To The Original


On the one hand, Death Stranding 2 wouldn't even exist if not for the success of the first game. It clearly resonated with a big enough audience to warrant another installment, an audience who became fully on board with all the bizarre inner workings of the original. Some players loved Death Stranding's narrative and themes about bringing people together in a hopeless situation, and to persevere even in the face of the most insurmountable challenges.

The fans who gravitated towards Death Stranding's unique premise and design likely appreciated just how much it stood out from everything else on the market. It's captivating in many ways, and it is hard to argue that there isn't really anything else like it in gaming. When it comes to Death Stranding 2, these loyal fans who helped launched the franchise will likely be tuning in for more of what attracted them in the first place. Kojima will dial up the lunacy to another degree based on the Death Stranding 2 reveal trailer, and these fans wouldn't have it any other way.

The Risk of Changing Death Stranding 2 Too Much

Death Stranding 2 Beached Things

As much as Death Stranding 2 and Hideo Kojima can be applauded for sticking to artistic integrity and wanting to deliver something special, this is still a video game at the end of the day, a product meant to be sold. There is the possibility that Sony took notice of the mixed reception to Death Stranding and gave notes on how to improve things whenever a sequel rolled around. Many of PlayStation's current IP have a stronger emphasis on action and set pieces like God of War: Ragnarok, and this mass appeal resulted in big earnings both critically and financially.

Sony will likely want to replicate this success across all of its franchises, and it wouldn't be out of the question for them to want to lean away from the weirdness and change up the formula. As mentioned, Death Stranding is all about delivering packages and that isn't exactly 'fun' in the most conventional sense of the word. Death Stranding: Director's Cut did include additional weapons and more stealth based action scenarios, perhaps hinting at a shift going forward, preparing fans for a deviation from what came before.

It remains to be seen exactly what's in store for Death Stranding 2, but Kojima Productions is in something of a pickle for what direction to take the game in. Whether sticking to its guns and delivering a similar experience or ditching it for something it with more mass appeal will alienate both categories of gamers keeping an eye on the sequel. While great talent is behind the project, this is unfortunately a situation of being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Death Stranding 2 is currently in development for PS5.

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