
  • Death Stranding 2: On the Beach's trailer reveals a bit more about Elle Fanning's mysterious character, sparking intense discussion among fans.
  • Elle Fanning is seen near the end of the trailer, and is possibly linked to a woman found inside a chrysalis since white strands are coming off both of them. Theories suggest she could be an adult version of Lou or a younger version of Fragile, though the former is more likely than the latter.
  • Fans will have to continue theorizing about Elle's character until more of the story is revealed in Death Stranding 2, set to release next year, as she is still very mysterious.

Fans continue to anticipate the release of a sequel to Hideo Kojima's divisive yet praised Death Stranding, and even more so now that an official announcement trailer for it was revealed in PlayStation's 2024 State of Play. Now given the title Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, the sequel will see several cast members return, namely Norman Reedus, Lea Seydoux, and Troy Baker. Despite all that was revealed in the latest trailer, a new actress' role in Death Stranding 2 remains a mystery: Elle Fanning.

Elle appears near the end of the trailer for Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, but the footage she is involved in only lasts for a little over 30 seconds and doesn't give much information about her character. Such secrecy surrounding her character has sparked intense discussion among Death Stranding fans, with many theorizing about what part she might play in the sequel. At the very least, however, the trailer provided more clues about her character than fans have had thus far, even though it's likely her role will not be revealed until the game's release.

Death Stranding 2 Has a Chance to Become Genre-Defining

As Kojima Productions tried to make Death Stranding the first in the Strand-type genre, the upcoming sequel can set the rules of the genre in stone.

Elle Fanning's Character Remains a Mystery in Death Stranding 2's State of Play Trailer

Death Stranding 2's State of Play Trailer Reveals More Details About Elle Fanning's Character

At the beginning of Death Stranding 2's State of Play trailer, Fragile and a doctor are seen breaking open a chrysalis, revealing a person inside. After breaking it open, they take the person's arm out and notice circles that cover the arm. They then attempt to pull a hair sticking out of one of the circles, only for it to squirt out a tar-like substance resembling the Timefall from the first game, which causes anything it touches to age rapidly and decay. The tar lands on Fragile's glove, soaking through it and aging a small part of her hand. Shortly thereafter, the individual inside the chrysalis awakens.

Near the end of the trailer, Elle is seen standing outside a room where Sam, Fragile, and the doctor who worked with Fragile at the beginning of the trailer are investigating the body of a woman, whom they said was found inside a chrysalis. Keen-eyed viewers will likely also notice white strands ascending off of the woman's body. After Sam comments on the woman's home, Elle's character begins to walk away, and similar white strands briefly appear above her as well. She is likely linked to this other woman in some way, and it's possible she was also found inside a chrysalis.

Fans Will Continue to Theorize About Who Elle Plays in Death Stranding 2


One of the most popular theories about Elle Fanning's Death Stranding 2 character is that she will play an adult version of Lou, Sam's Bridge Baby from Death Stranding, who allowed Sam to detect BTs (Beached Things) when he was physically connected to her. As it turns out, Lou was revealed to be Sam's unborn daughter at the end of Death Stranding, and she has already been shown in the first trailer for Death Stranding 2 as a toddler, as the name "Louise" can be seen on her bib while Fragile is playing with her.

Another popular fan theory involves Elle playing a younger version of Fragile, but this one could be considered less likely, as Elle's character and Lea Seydoux's aren't very similar in appearance. At least the State of Play trailer provided a few more details about Elle Fanning's role, though it will be impossible to know the context of those details until more of the story is revealed. Fans may have to continue theorizing about Elle's character until Death Stranding 2 releases next year.